
They do not have surgery people at most US prisons...or prisons in general around the world. Most available medical care is to stabilize condition for transport to civilian medical services.

Where have I mentioned mine, or anyone’s gender?

I apologize. I realize that white Americans are the persecuted minority throughout the world. I cannot fathom facing the day to day struggles of rich people.

Sorry. I know white Americans do not like it when minorities talk to them. I apologize for everything.


Just pointing out you Americans destroy the environment at much greater level than rest of us.  

You must be fun to hang out with...

Freddy, you should read up on US history and industry before you make this article.

I very much get annoyed when sales people visit site. I will be working long hours, like 16 a day, until job is done. They show up at near end of job and hobnob with customer.

As someone that works in “right to work” state, it is amazing to see someone get supported by employer no matter what. I pick wrong industry.

Obviously he is responsible for his own actions, but I cannot help but wonder what would have happened had he gone to another team.

DAMN IT! I could I sworn it was the Champions League...

Honest to god, if you asked me what division the diamondbacks play in...I would have to look it up.

Hahahaha...this is funny!

Mike Tyson had success after the Buster Douglas loss.

I will never understand white America’s love of stupid injuries.

I suspect I am in the minority here but I find myself only enjoying about a quarter to a half of each episode. It is like a lot of “uncle” jokes and scenarios that are so fake feeling. The pacing of the show seems very off to me.

I agree that US does not hold monopoly on these experiences. For a 1st world nation, I think air flight travel in the US is the worst.

Travel in the US in terms of flights is so problematic that unless the field person must drive more than 12 hours, we are not forced to fly.

It is same as internet and cell phone in US. Utter garbage compared to what Americans pay.