
Perform at high level. Then sit and take questions from idiots.

I do not think you know who Mike Tyson is. Or perhaps you do not know who Cam Newton is.

“I am not racist!”-Compares two completely different athletes in different sports, at different points in careers and life but they are same cause black...or something.

You want him to dance and celebrate when losing? What is appropriate level of emotion for American black athlete.

We have supplier for company that is based in Charlotte. I must go to Charlotte from time to time.

Now playing

Buzz Aldrin is offering his services to the victim and his family.

I must work job in Arizona. There are many solar facilities employer provides drives and motors for.

I read good book about Bethlehem Steel. Baltimore was first US city I come to and I lived there for a number of years. “Making Steel: Sparrows Point and the Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might” is good book. It does good job explaining why Sparrows Point (biggest Steel Mill in world at one point) collapsed

To assume that the decline in wages is due solely to the decline in America worker unions is insane. This ignores too many factors.

These are same man-child’s that say woman is both ice bitch...something like that...person who will not have sex, because women will not date them, but then say they are slut when man finds out woman have relationship.

At university, I was member of Women’s Engineering Society. I get asked by friend to join as group loses recognition from university if number of people go below 5. So I join.

I have coworker I first meet in the middle east. We are working on large port cranes. During break, I am smoking cigarette, trying to calm nerves (I detest heights) at top of crane. I ask coworker how she get job.

I once had property in US that had neighbor who had serious collecting habit.

I did not know of the movie. I am not in the US. Nor did I know who Nat Turner was until you mentioned him and I used the google.

I apologize. I did not realize there was new movie with same title.

I apologize. I did not realize you were referring to a new movie. I am very dated in my film knowledge. I am stuck in place with limited films. Mostly Bollywood flicks.

I am putz. Please ignore me. I got confused.

“Birth of a Nation” is arguably one of the most important films produced in the US, from a technical standpoint. It was the first live action movie. Abet it is a difficult topic to sit through from modern perspectives, the film is historically important and I do not feel Americans should “white-wash” their history. I

It is amazing to me how much Americans fetish Japanese culture.

I am always surprised when people complain that the US uses professional athletes in basketball for the Olympics. I suspect that many people do not remember how amazing it was to see the Dream Team. I was a young child, still living in my original country.