
No....no its not.

Jay...I highly recommend using a proof reader next time.

Is it me...or was this the shortest “hear it from the fans” section ever?

The thing that annoys me to no end is how she will intentionally attempt to tailor her accent and her mannerisms for her audience.

I forget what team it was (I travel an insane amount for work)...but I am in a hotel, watching the local press ask questions after a football game. I know it was the mid-west and about five years ago.

Yesterday, I got a haircut. At least three coworkers have asked me how I did it.

I am constantly amazed at the patience and self control that managers, coaches, players, and pretty much anyone that has ever had to sit through a press event involving sports...

I work for an engineering company and the number of coworkers that self cut their hair using a fucking flo-bee is insane. I kid you not, its at least 40% of our engineers are too cheap to get a real haircut and not look like a weirdo most of the time.

I would argue however, that Manziel is responsible way more for his downfall than RGIII....unless you also include the fact that a LARGE portion of the Redskins fan base had a major problem with RGIII having a white spouse.

You hit it right on the head about the stadiums. Its like a every owner expects the next city to shovel more money and go over the top of the previous one.

Me whenever Drew slams the Ravens...

So...the point of this game is to just teach kids how cockfighting works or something?

Even if you ignore the crap that gets green lit now, this game is not nearly as bad as people make it out. Nintendo pumped out N64 games that were worse.

Its an interesting field to work in. Dealing with multiple PLC’s, drives, cameras, lasers, etc...all with different software platforms. My general point, and this is a frustrating conversation I have with project managers all the time, is often times companies have to protect consumers from themselves.

You sure you have never purchased a mine hoist system, ship to shore crane, or a steel mill automation project from me?

Oh that is a fucking load. Anyone that believes the “Monsanto sues farmers if seeds blow into your field” is right up there with folks that think the moon landing was faked.

I run into this all the time in my line of work. Customer purchase medium voltage drives, motors, and high voltage transformers from me. I also commission the equipment.

I know a lot of people are going to call bullshit on this, but a good portion of illegal steroids are made in a similar fashion as meth. Its basically someone with a basic understanding of chemistry, mixing the shit in their kitchen because for legal companies, the cost and the stigma is not worth the limited sales.

19 year old, hanging out with a 16 year old, at 130 am.

This is sarcasm right?