Got busted at 14 for slinging doop. Ended up locked up till I was 18. Kind of fucked up my life for a while. I did learn that white people are never to be trusted. That has served me well in life.
Got busted at 14 for slinging doop. Ended up locked up till I was 18. Kind of fucked up my life for a while. I did learn that white people are never to be trusted. That has served me well in life.
Most surreal conversation I ever had with a partner involved my finances. She wanted to know where 30% of my paycheck was going and I had to explain that I support the rest of my family even though I live in a different state.
Its not unprecedented. This happens to every player. The thing with Kobe is that most players don’t have the history of success and an ownership that is willing to allow him to have a farewell tour. Most players get shown the door long before their bodies fail them this bad.
I could see going for Maryland just for the basketball program. As per football, MD has been a mess for a while now.
I understand nothing about ISIL. I come back from working overseas and walk through the door yelling “Woman make me a damn sandwich” and I am making her a sandwich and sleeping on the couch. How these clowns get people to blow themselves up or subject thwm to brutal control is fucking beyond me...
I completely agree with you. The upside on Kaep is through the roof if a team can get him. I don’t know how any impartial viewer can look at the train wreck that is the 49ers and think its solely a single player.
Someone please explain to me the draw of going to an NFL game in person.
I was referring to how a player could offer no defense in throwing a punch. I don’t see how anyone could have witnessed it live or watched a replay and not think it was intentional.
I am just as dumbfounded. How this doesn’t immediately warrant an immediate ejection? Its no different than throwing a punch.
To me, the smart expansion is into the Mexico City market. You don’t have the long trans-Atlantic flight. Its easy to get in and out of the country, and NFL is surprisingly popular in Mexico.
Shanahan has a history of putting players on the field that should not be on the field due to health concerns. So leaving RGIII in that playoff game to destroy his leg is par for the course.
Honest question...How the fuck did these two guys sneak in a banner and climbing gear?!?
How is Harbaugh not on the chopping block?
I keep fucking telling these assholes at work to clean the fucking AC filters cause the damn dust gets in my eyes and shit....sniff....
God we need another Vietnam, with a draft, to thin out the herd...
Please will someone explain to me what is erotic about trying to bump uglies in a shaking port-a-john....
You are talking so far out of your ass, its breathtaking.
Here is my pathetic, growing up poor story.
Never had to worry about your power getting cut off have you?
I used to do cartoons and work as an editor for my college newspaper. I didn’t get a stipend, but I did get an elective credit for it.