
I would be my life savings there will not be a single mention of the PS TV. (i own one and two vitas)

I just wish they could cram a few more graphics on the screen at once.

if they don’t make their goal they get nothing.

Off topic sure but man... Same. I used to love Les, now he’s another super lame sellout pretending Bigfoot is real to make money off of the idiotic masses of America.

Uh you're the one projecting here mate.

AT THE VERY START after negotiations MS pinned a single player project on them for no extra money, and no extra resources. That is being set up to fail.

Long story short, Microsoft set Darkside up to fail from the very beginning and indeed that happened. Brutal.

thank god.

Great idea to have a vile racist promote a game.

I think I'll stick to my own dreams and desires thanks.

God I would kill for this same game but turn based.

Have you ever hung out with a backwoods uneducated grunt? They're much more like eighth graders than you think.

I bought my PS4 because i already had a Vita and PS TV and wanted to remote play.

reading comprehension. "I don't have a way of reading them on my computer"

also as I have just found out... Not any old Micro SDHC will work. I got a class 10 32gb micro SDHC and was happily playing games until constant BSOD Restart errors. Then all of my games disappeared. Reformatting, redownloading, deleting saves, nothing fixes it. So now I ordered a "nintendo officially supported" micro

This game along with Freedom Wars... i just fucking can't. I've tried, god knows i've tried but i just can not get passed the convoluted control schemes.

japanese developers just need to realize there are a fuck ton of people in America and Europe that want their games. We don't need voice localization. "Just" (I know it's not easy) text.

I bought this for ps4, went through a pain in the ass sign up and log in BS, had to DL hours and hours of updates, took forever to install AND NEVER PLAYED IT.

Stubhub gives store credit when they get called out for fucking up. I have personally experienced it. Recently bought Blazers tickets that turned out to be standing room only. Pissed that I did NOT want standing room only we complained to stubhub over the phone. They told us to sell those tickets and buy new ones.

This game will never come out. Mark my words.