
the beta won't be in xbox one which means this is the console it will be shittiest on. thanks a lot EA, will pass on this. Not being duped again.

On default. On veteran they are great.

Sonic runs though RINGS.

Peggle, officially dead to me. formerly one of my favorite games.

Carmack most probably had an NDA and non compete in his contract. (Like many corporations give all of their designers, engineers etc) If he gave Oculus ANY help it could be legally shown that he violated those which means Oculus has no legal rights to the technology. It's shitty but that's the way the american

Just read the filing. It's pretty damning. there's a lot Hex could have done to make themselves less of a magic clone but they refused to do that. They were lazy designers and will pay the price.

You can write a bit that creates and uploads the videos. It takes little work.

amen brother, i feel the same way. i don't want to be "me" in a virtual world. i want something different.

You have anger issues. See a doctor.

You have bad opinions.

Wtf?! Jar Jar is in this. Shenanigans!!!

this is no joke. If Nintendo put out any Pokemon on ios the amount if money printed would be uncountable.

amazing that a company that lost $229 million this year (third year of loss in a row) is behind the times.

Sin City is... terrible.

this is literally what they did. (I know someone who worked on this)

I can honestly say as a huge xbox 360 dude and an xbox one owner that they've literally gotten every single thing wrong with the xbone.

These videos are god awful. Stop.

4. in order of most used to least.

This is about a year or two too late. My XB1 is worse at almost everything than my 7 year old xbox 360. Good luck to him. He has a lot of poop to polish.

You need medical attention.