
Which would mean that if I accumulated a vast library of child porn images via trade/filesharing, but never exchanged any money for any child porn, I would not be legally guilty of possessing child pornography. That...doesn't seem like a good loophole to have.

I used to work in a strip club/adult store/massage parlor. We had internet booths, with some free porn access. Every. fucking. week, random middle-aged, well-dressed, white guy in a suit would scuttle out of his booth like he had a red hot potato jammed up his ass and scoot out of the store and almost without

There was a reason I left out details, but here we go. He also sexually assulted me & he wasn't squatting. There was a house upstairs, a full decorated & lived in kitchen I had to run through on my way out. He fucking kidnapped me.

I dunno, the bible play was pretty fucking bonkers.

So I'm the dumper in this story - but if ever there was justification for a bad dumping it was this;

Going up, my parents were were divorced and never communicated directly. I got bounced back and forth between them a lot. Always based on what my mom needed. Fuck my social life or grades or stability. If being a parent started to get too hard, she'd ship me off to live with my grandmother or father. She'd get lonely,

Ugh I don't have any bonkers ones. But there was this time in college I had been dating a girl for like a week and wasn't feeling it, so I went to her place to break up with her, but before I could break up, she started breaking up with me and I had to defend myself.

Like no no no no wait, I came here to break up

My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)

Well that's fine for you, and thank you for couching your comment in all the "I don't speak for all guys" and "strong women are awesome" bits as well. But the whole "men are violent, physical protectors! Women should be grateful for their protection!" trope has been around for a long time, and I think it still is a

This is my biggest criticism for chosen c-sections. In principle, I'm all for moms making educated decisions about the best choice of birth for them. However, I've seen first hand how dangerous this can be when moms are given "non-choices" like in Brazil. Essentially what has happened in Brazil is that if you have

Not inevitable; didn't happen. But, to satisfy the spirit of this post: I had a little net, like you use to clean your fish tank, in case it did.

Eh, I see it differently. It's refreshing to see a woman be both multi-faceted and evil in a movie. Usually evil women are entirely two dimensional. I didn't get that here.

What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.

Nothing makes me angrier than that belief. I have a male friend who joked about how I must be loose because I have maybe 4 or 5 sexual partners a year. I asked him why I'd be more loose than his wife when they have sex daily if I'm only having sex a couple of times a month or less. I hate to bring his wife into it but

We have prioritized the female sexual experience

Nope. Wrong. Liberated women are generally enthusiastic about learning more about their bodies and what pleases them, which leads to energetic, experimental, ecstatic sex. Many men, however, don't think sex is anything they should have to work at or learn about, because apparently their Magical Dick Powers just

Nobody would care if sea horses got aborted BECAUSE THE DAD WOULD BE DOING IT.

It doesn't really matter what brand of toilet paper you upgrade to because pretty much everything is better than the cheap stuff. Unless you're a fan of wiping up with thin sheets of printer paper, splurge a little on a decent roll of toilet paper and you'll live a happier life.

Disappointed to see that you didn't mention Kiva. Basically, you put in a certain amount of money (say, $50) and then lend it to entrepreneurs in developing countries around the world through Kiva. This money is paid back to you over time so that you'll eventually get back all of the money you put in; you can then