It’s certainly not the popular opinion here, but I enjoyed CP2077 quite a bit more than I’ve been enjoying The Ascent so far. That’s not to say the latter is a bad game, but CP2077 was better than the internet would have you believe.
It’s certainly not the popular opinion here, but I enjoyed CP2077 quite a bit more than I’ve been enjoying The Ascent so far. That’s not to say the latter is a bad game, but CP2077 was better than the internet would have you believe.
Twitch chat is a poor litmus test for what a reasonable response is.
Sad part is, it’s actually a good game, it’s just not what people were expecting. After putting 20-odd hours into The Ascent, I reinstalled CP2077 and have been having a blast with it.
I will forever blame gamers for this mess. Pushing the studio to release it. Forcing the devs to cut corners before they had a chance to really flesh out the game. The demand was high and forced higher ups to push the devs to release a broken game. I was looking forward to this game no matter how long it took. The…
The McDonalds reference isn’t a good one because McDonalds is a franchise. This means most McDonalds ARE separate different companies that share a common brand/food.
This article feels kind of gross. Like, I get the whole angle of helping people save money or w/e, but I feel like going “You should not buy this game (which we think is kinda fun!) because it’s on a streaming service.” is one of the actual boogeymen scenarios that streaming cynics point out.
Rocks and minerals and crystals are excellent ways to appreciate the glory of nature and the earth and geological processes and all that. But they do not have magical properties.
‘starting’? I’d peg that to around the time of the Blizzard North fiasco. Don’t get me wrong, some of the games they’ve come out with since have been good (or at least become good in the case of D3), but Blizzard’s peak as a dev was a long, long time ago (well, so far anyways, I guess I shouldn’t be a total pessimist).
Ccccccombo breaker!!!! My favo part of Street Fighter!
I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.
I’m glad you updated. Chun Li is from Tekken 3 for those wondering.
I have to admit, I’m getting a bit tired of the snark too. Sometimes it’s just okay to like something or be excited about it without being constantly reminded that there’s no such thing as ethical consumption in a post-capitalist society.
Can most of the male writers on this site not write articles that sound like you’re all fucking sneering at your keyboards when you have to talk about something/one/etc that you’re not exactly 100% fans of?
It’s fine, much better than being one of those people that shits on others for liking something they don’t. Those are the ones I feel truly awful for.
Fuck... this one hurts to have confirmed, even if it was pretty obvious before today. I’ve always been a massive fan, I took a lot of influence from him in my own singing and writing styles, his references in his lyrics took me down major artistic and philosophical reading rabbit holes... in short, his work means a…
This has got to be some of the closest concept art -> final game translations I’ve ever seen. It’s incredible, and luckily for me exactly my kind of aesthetic.
A beloved tabletop RPG franchise in the hands of the developer that created one of the best RPG/Adventure video game franchises in recent memory, and you’re having a hard time figuring out why people are excited?
While you don’t need to FEEL the hype, it’s absurd to make a claim that you don’t get it. Let’s look at a few of the things.
This is a fantasy world, not our world. Why would anyone be upset. If the Alternate dimension theory is right and there is a dimension for every choice that exists then a dimension like this would exist. Take it with a grain of salt everyone is looking to be offended now days.