
Yeah right, you will eventually buy it anyway.

The state of the Japanese game industry is bad. Both Nintendo and Sony are struggling against Microsoft, there are not as many AAA games coming out from Japan as there used to be, and some of the big Japanese game franchises have had a disappointing run on the current generation consoles.

In the past I played both CS and Q3 competitively, but nothing ever comes close to the excitement of playing Tribes games competitively. The amount of individual skill and coordination required is just mind-boggling. Also, the games were fun to watch even if you were not playing.

I am curious if this game is going to be anywhere near as good as Tribes 1 or Tribes 2. Apparently there is no loadout customization in the current version of the game, which is pretty insane considering how important the customization is to the Tribes experience.

I wonder what is the purpose of having game designers and in-house Q&A, if the most of the gameplay mechanics will be changed anyway two months after the release of the game, based on player feedback?

Why there are some pseudoscience gadgets straight from the CSI in a game that is supposed to simulate real-life counterterrorism? Just tell me the blast radius, no need to indicate it with separate signs so that even idiots get it. This franchise went downhill when they started underestimating the players.

On the Road by Jack Kerouac.

Who actually believes that? The first next gen console, Wii U, will launch next year. Microsoft and Sony will announce their next gen consoles sometime next year as well. The next generation will start in 2013, the new Microsoft and Sony consoles will be here sooner than what people think, because those two companies

I will eat my hat if Microsoft and Sony will not announce their next-gen consoles during 2013. If you look at this year's E3, it is clear that both Xbox 360 and PS3 are running out of steam, and that these companies are now focusing on the next generation of consoles, althought they are not saying that, yet.

It's Reggie's rhetoric regarding Wii U that makes me worried. He said that the third-parties are now bringing their games to Wii U because "it is now HD" "That's done".

Microsoft and Sony will announce their new consoles at E3 next year, if not sooner. The fact that there are old generation titles scheduled for 2013 is irrelevant. Some of these upcoming Xbox 360/PS3 titles will eventually become next generation titles as the dev kits for the new consoles will become available to more

Metroid Prime 3 worked just fine with that combination.

I hope they make it at least as scary as the first PC AVP game was. AVP 2 was too scripted to be be scary game at all. In the first AVP game, the aliens just kept coming at you constantly, that was a pure terror. In AVP 2, you could always relax after triggering and killing all the scripted Aliens.

I don't have the game but apparently you can turn some of the helpers off, like the investigation music.

It is beyond me how this game was released in the state it was. Splash Damage had more than ample amount of time to fix Brink which was originally supposed to be released in 2010. They were even confident enough to release the game one week earlier.

It is not out yet in Europe. I changed my pre-order to LA Noire.

I watched someone playing this, his team was being spawn-camped by the other team with both exits being blocked. And this guy had no intention of winning the match, he just kept healing his dying teammates while getting massive amounts of XP. It's like their genius incentive system that rewards teamplay backfired

I cancelled my pre-order because I'm not buying a pricey console game with nonexistent singleplayer content and questionable online performance (xbox 360).

Too excited about Brink to really care about the next iterations of Battefield and Modern Warfare.