
Give it to Trump and tell him not to drink it. Remember the eclipse?

Great picture, Christian rock always sucks. You like to Rock?! Rock on this bro! (guitar heavy track with subtle Jesus references that will slowly turn you toward Christ saving your sinful soul).

Yes, you have to push kids through the system with passing grades somehow.  Those courses will prepare them well for a career at Foot Locker.

The shots of her calves’s is nauseating. Looks like a malnourished child’s legs. 

Spectators standing in the middle of desert race route fail to move out of the way of approaching race truck. One spectator laid down directly in the path of the race truck who was attempting to dodge other fleeing spectators, and luckily only drove over the legs of one idiot. Race truck driver was unaware that one

Tacoma 4x4 is the only correct answer. Plenty of room for surfboards, dogs, coolers. Can handle the lava trails to the best beaches. Toyota reliability.

You knock it but in it’s day it was actually fun.  A huge step up from Pong.  

Even stoning the thrower to death is too lenient for that asshole.  Maybe a month-long stoning with rocks thrown every ten minutes.

As a very broke college student in Minnesota I didn’t have money for winter tires on my V-8 Camaro.   Instead I’d load the trunk with 250 lbs of salt. That extra weight over the rear tires worked pretty well if you know how to drive in snowy conditions. I would pass 4x4 trucks in snow filled ditches all the time.

Too bad nothing BMW currently makes is as good as these old cars are (except maybe the M2).

You couldn’t pay me enough money to live in NYC.

The idiots are acting like there is a baby crying on the 2nd floor of the burning house and they instead choose to save the car. They are professionals who know what they are doing.  Internet complainers you do not have a clue.

Still far too many Americans who support racists.

Delta, truly the Greyhound of the sky!

Jean Coulter thank you for sharing your story. Your work in Hollywood was appreciated by millions. You were not only ground breaking during your career but continues to this day by bringing the adversity you faced to light. Inspiration.

I’d be trying to offload that island as well.  In 20 years it will be half the size it is now due to sea level rise and in 50 years it will be gone.  

Nice looking 5-series.

I spoke to my Porsche dealer about getting a Speedster 6-9 months ago. I thought it might be a quicker way to a GT3, minus the roof. That was until he told me it was going to be $250,000. Looks even better than I expected but can’t justify the price.

Buy it in January at half price, advent calendars have no expiration date.

Buy it in January at half price, advent calendars have no expiration date.

No manual, no sale.