
“The 2017 Audi A4 Quattro Has A Manual Now; You Should Buy It Equipped Thusly”

It’s not.

The U-2 has over 50 years of service. It was designed before the use of computers and it’s role still hasn’t been eclipsed by modern aircraft. Sorry to hear we lost one.

The 997's are really becoming better purchases. Prices are lower than you’d think.

I was once rear ended by a Fireo while slowing for traffic. My Fords’s rear wheels ended on his hood. I had to jump out of the door to the ground. Spoke to the driver who was also unhurt. Later climbed back in and drove right off his hood. My car was undamaged, he had some nice dents and tire marks to look at.

Had a 968 manual in the family. Handled great, fun to drive and look at. Problem was the convertible top requires $2,000 in work every 3 years.

When Palatov started he listed one reason was the Atom was too expensive and he could do better for less money. I think he gave up on the value argument.

Age discrimination is directly related to the cost health insurance.

Checked Porsche; I’m guessing it is the $3,300 optional ‘Chalk’ paint.

What color is that exterior?

My brand new cordless Dremel, after a full 24 hr charge, died about 15 minutes into my first project. Drove right to the store and exchanged it for the plug Dremel and never looked back.

My brand new cordless Dremel, after a full 24 hr charge, died about 15 minutes into my first project. Drove right to

She seems like a real peach. She was so kind and thankful to the man who saved her life. My only solace is she is past child bearing age.

Design by committee is used manufacturers terrified to lose their customer base. It usually results in cars that look just like the current model because all those customer research studies say the same thing “We love car X, don’t change it.” Jaguar used it so effectively they sold the same looking XJ for 4 decades

Since the machine gun only holds one box of ammo this robot will be good for about 90 seconds of combat.

Candidate Trump represents the failure of the American education system. Only fools support Trump.

Yeah it’s big, but the M2 looks like an M5 next to a Cayman.

No manual option is a mistake.

I’m guessing it transforms into Yellow-Jacket when you aren’t looking. Just don’t know if its an Autobot or Decepticon.

Since it’s Bernie Ecclestone I’d wager he will simply divorce the 3rd wife (prenup naturally) and move onto wife #4.

Sweet rig. Where is it located?