
In general, I'm imagining a massive exercise in glaringly painful CGI.

My first choice you picked, The Doctor. So I will follow up with the TV version of Jean Luc Picard before he was turned into a action hero in Star Trek First Contact. He talked many a adversary to death during the 7 years of TNG.

Look at the predictable hating comments!

It troubles me that he so callously kills the lizard for no reason.

How I roll! Made my own with some wood and a few PVC elbows. This basically brings the sound from the rear speaker on my Galaxy Nexus to the front while watching videos and eating. I've since upgraded to a Note 3 and made a new version, but haven't taken pictures of it yet. All the pics of this one above are here: http

I watched this show back then and really liked it. Lasted about 1 and a half seasons. Actually had some cool ideas about recycling and such that I think are still relevant today. I know many just remember it about the spaceship but the ship actually only featured in maybe 4 stories out of the show's run. Really wish

Project UFO! Wow.

I loved that show as a kid and then promptly forgot about it until just now. But Quark I remembered all this time. Funny how memory works.

Thanks for posting. Salvage 1 is one of those shows that I saw as a child, and then receded so far into memory I wondered if I had just imagined it. Along with Quark, Project UFO and the Star Wars Holiday Special, until the advent of the internet (especially YouTube), I had no way of verifying my recollections.

As others have said, be ready to walk out. I have el-cheapo plain white business cards with just my name, phone and email address on them. I write out what terms I'm willing to accept in front of the sales guy (though I've already made up my mind ahead of time), then leave and tell him to give me a call. I've done

Ethel Merman slipping on a banana peel was a better stunt than anything Bay has done.

My favorite TV show of all time next to SGA. SO GOOOOOOD. So under appreciated by the public eye. :(

I was shocked at how much How To Train Your Dragon 2 affected me. It was Kung Fu Panda 2 all over again.

I'm convinced that this show is not being "Written" as such but instead being plucked from the mind of an 12 year old boy in a coma.

"Legally" ??? "get their head out their ass's to turn a profit" ??? Wow. Yes, everyone else on the planet is a moron and only China knows the secrete to turning a profit. Are you kidding me? Japan & the US have to play by a least some rules from time to time. Yes, it's easy to dominate a market when:

Have Space Suit-Will Travel, Robert Heinlein, 1958. Loved it as a kid. I tried to make my own space suit out of some coveralls and a fish bowl. Looking back, I'd have to say the results were mixed.

You'd prefer to walk entirely across Yellow Stone? Or any national park? There needs to be adequate vehicular access within the parks.

Figure you can grab some really good caviar and that expensive Spanish ham, some vodka and some good crackers, and make a meal of it.

I live far enough away that I can get silly drunk for a few hours before the ash cloud blots out the sun and chokes me to death. So I have that to look forward too.

This prompts the question why there are roads in a national park. The point of a national park surely should be to have it as undisturbed as possible?