
I'm depressed its a SyFy production. The books deserve better.

can we go back in time to get late 90s Claudia Black to play Naomi?

ok all I care is who is gonna play Amos and Holden?

He's obviously too short and thick. I demand slavish obedience to the source material!

I imagine crazy sperm cells running around spewing acidic spit everywhere, just out of spite. The horror. Men should wear protective hand gear when masturbating too.

But didn't he know? If it wasn't legitimate vaginal sex, the human rectum has ways to try to shut that whole thing down!!

Weren't we just talking about this?

I'm sorry guys but I think you're way off track with Children of Men. It's the story just a regular guy who winds up inadvertently saving the human race via a cascading series of incidents, one after the next, where he never had any intention of making a difference in anything. The very best of what it is to be

Where'd I leave my EMP device...I know it's around here somewhere...

The Ten Commandments.

The sons of bitches....

Do you really need to ask?

That`s why in the future you can replace women with :

this brings up a unique problem in my mind. I read the article (i didn't watch the clip) and I saw the "i know kung fu" comment and the first thing I thought was that it wouldn't matter what you "know" if you can't make the body "do". perfect example, I know that perro means dog in spanish but I still can't roll my

Which will be pennies compared to the person who invents the cure for PMS.

Which will be pennies compared to the person who invents the cure for stretch marks.

what about with higher fps 3d films like the hobbit? I thought that one looked really good in 3d.

The flying sequences in How to Train Your Dragon were very well rendered in 3D. I actually thought they were superior to the same sequences in Avatar, and I liked the 3d in that film..

For me, it was worth it in GRAVITY for the sheer sense of the immensity of space and vertiginous altitude it was able to convey — although that film did overindulge in '50s-style "Look out, it's coming right at you!" gags with things in extreme close-up. I wasn't sure I'd be able to see in 3D given my vision problems

Only once have I not felt ripped off by the price of a 3D ticket, and that was when I went to see the first How to Train Your Dragon. The 3D elements were lightly applied and helped with overall immersion in the film. Especially during the flying scenes - they helped you feel the same sense of wonder and