
Charlie Jane has to recap this, Last Ship, and Under the Dome. I think we should all take a minute to consider that fact and really let it sink in. She may be the nerd Messiah sent to suffer for all our sins.

Complaining that a Michael Bay produced show doesn't have a well thought out plot or rational character motivations is like complaining that water is wet.

I'm disappointed because How to train your Dragon 2 isn't a big hit, and it deserved to be one. Truly.

If my dog was killed by an alien, i'd probably bring down the heavens to exact my revenge.

See another case of misinformation! A film called 9 minutes is in fact 14 minutes long. This is like that time I wasn't allowed in to the local cinema with camping gear when I went to watch 91/2 weeks only to find out in jail it's only 2 hours long! I wish just for once film makers would more care when naming their

Was it just me, or was it really DARK? Like I could barely see anything and I'm honestly not sure what happened at the end?

I just want to say that this is fascinating. Thanks for writing it!

Mainstream archaeology's inability to accept these are proto Hindu/vedic people is staggering. So much evidence, so much conjecture... of course a culture followed it - it's called "India". The colonial biases in Indology need to stop. The seals, the standard measurements, the maths, etc - all are now present in India

I'm not watching because who is expecting anything but a 'game of thrones-ized' shock drama that only manages to borrow names and places from history. and when GoT got all rapey the internet was abuzz for weeks about it, quick somebody put something rapey in the script.

Pour in a little batter, insert a sausage on a stick. Pig in a blanket on a stick.

Well, hello there, Mark!

Pizza in a cup? No but we Canucks have taken pizza to strange new levels.

Now I'm mysteriously in the mood to listen to my old records and order pizza...

Well, if you are carrying shit around, just take a damn lighter and make you life much easier. Plus you can use it to spark your doob.

Somedays I wish I could avoid articles titled "___science explains why [mystery of fantasy or fiction] ___".

In a heartbeat:

Yeah, I guess I could have phrased that better :)

Hmm, you have a point there.

Treasure Planet ;__;