
Lil Stevie's smirk just killed me.

Obligatory. Seriously want one.

We all know how this will really end. With Hodor on the Iron Throne, Ser Pounce purring in his lap.

My fiancee and I love baked garlic, served with some nice cheese, Ritz crackers and chutney. It's delicious. And it also makes us REEK of garlic for days. (And any potential illnesses lying in wait gets obliterated!)

I differ. It does matter.


The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a joint?

...aaaaaand now I want fish and chips.

The idea that chess could cause violence definitely seems absurd now, but at the same time, I've played and lost many different games and contests and whatnot over the years and nothing, NOTHING stings quite like losing a chess match. It's just the purest diss possible, straight from your opponent's brain to your own.

Well there is a billion people in China , if 140 million disappeared there , it would probably get a few minutes on the news , if the Chinese even chose to report it . If 140 million disappeared out of the U S population of 320 million now that would be ..,what they seem to be showing in the trailer ,.. that would

I grew up in a Catholic household.... attending southern Baptist and Assemblies of God schools.... hell I was even on stage with Jim and Tammy Faye when we took field trips to PTL (my big takeaway was that Tammy is really really small and the guy who played Jaws in the Bond movies that was the guest that day is really

I got suspicion that this is smart , Tesla isnt a big company and cant muscle their way to setting the standards they like , but by being considered the best electric car producer ,they can set the standards they like by opening up for some of their patents.

Limit all patents to a 5 year life cycle and we would be the Jetsons within 30 years

looking forward to the next expanse novel. I've loved every bit so far.

I don't even thing Hannibal Lecter was "chaotic" evil. He just has precisely zero interest in explaining himself to some tacky little rube like Clarice Starling or oafs like Chilton or Jack Crawford. God drops a church on his devoted followers, and does not justify his inscrutable ways to mere mortals. Why should

This has the texture of a terrycloth robe.