
Other excellent ways to make a good impression are by correctly using capital letters and spelling words correctly. Business jargon is not the purview of the overly educated, it is used by those who want others to be impressed by language, not by content. I have a JD and a PhD and would slit my throat before I said

This means, of course, that this conversation not only took place in a scripted sit-com (which seems pretty good), but that there was this actual conversation in REAL-LIFE, mathematics included, between various mathematicians & engineers at Stanford.

No, it never launched at all. I was told it happens to everyone.

Now playing

Although there is much to be said about less scientific deliveries.

This is not funny, it's a perfectly valid way to approach a question.... and exactly the kind of distracting issue that caused my start up failed....

You know, not knowing the things you explained would not make one stupid. It's an exotic field, and plenty of bright people do not know such things.

Me watching the ending of the fight.

It is only after you are broken that you can be made whole again, rise up, for you are now part of the brotherhood without banners.

When I read the books I never had this thought: GO Sansa!!

Yep. And while people die in the real world (the humans Jaime pointed out) we obsess over the beetles: fictional deaths.

That was some epic horror movie sound effects last night....I had to look away because if there is one thing I can't watch is eye gouging...but that sickening crunch sound - that'll never get out of my head. Ever.

This is so intriguing because this is how most people feel yet they still watch the show. The funny description is that GoT is like an abusive boyfriend that you always go back to. Why? Is it for some kind of hope that you will see justice in the end? Or is it just vengeance, hoping that you see the characters you

No spoilers, don't worry (just a couple thoughts, predictions and book details of already-past events).

OMG that's the meaning of Tyrion's beetle ramblings! it's a shout out from GRMM to his fans! (the beetles).

I actually loved it myself. What could be Tyrion's last night alive is spent pondering why a retarded boy smashed beetles. Its strange what the mind lingers on towards the end.

I see this reaction a lot and I REALLY don't get it. I was absolutely mesmerized by the scene. I thought it was excellent. Brilliant even. Apparently I'm nearly alone in thinking this, but I find that shocking and surprising. I never would have guessed nearly everyone else thought this fascinatingly played scene

The Red Wedding shocked me. The Purple Wedding satisfied me. The Viper getting his skull crushed like a watermelon bound for Gallagher's hammer broke me.

And the screaming. All the screaming. It's haunting me.

I don't know why, but everyone seems to misinterpreting Arya's laugh. It was because The Hound dragged her all the way to the Vale for a reward from her Aunt who is now dead. It was not a psychotic break or anything else.

I used to turn on NBC at just before 7:30 on Thursdays to watch 30 Rock, and I cringed at the last moments of the super annoying show that preceded it. Turns out that Community was not so bad, after all.