
Honey, what temp is inside our beautiful house?

There's certainly similarities in design between Apple's new desktop os and Microsoft's windows 7 when it comes to transparency but that doesn't make them lazy or scared to try new things. Apple was the first to launch a laptop with a trackpad with their PowerBook 500 series back in the 90's and now just about every

I think you misunderstand how Fuel Cells work. They don't take water as fuel, water is exhaust. They take hydrogen as fuel, and combine it with oxygen, which when bonding releases energy. Conversely, it /takes/ energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

There are countless stories of elephants raiding villages for beer, I'm surprised the study didn't know about it.

"The report claims that Google is building always-listening functionality into Android as a whole[.]"

Why is "greater than four times a week" the top option? Based on my own frequency, I imagined there were several individual levels above that, each with their own percent-responses.

I'm kinda interested in a more accurate breakdown of the > 4 times a week crowd. I'm trying to determine how far up the bell curve I am.

Now playing

You can build another economy around clean energy. This is fact, because, we've seen it before. Neolithic revolution = new economy. Technological revolution = new economy. But, some people make a shit tonne of money from destroying the world, and they want to keep making a shit tonne of money and so they keep

Poor Oppenheimer. Like Jor-El on the last days of Krypton. I hope his son gets off the planet OK.

I know, I was using it as an example of how ignorant I used to be.

Or, testing the candidates on basic science before they are allowed to join.

How about

Will all the alien planets look like Canada?

The TV shows and the Movies are connected by title and travel device alone. Everything else is different.

Ehhh nope. Forget the "surviving" or rebuilding yadda yadda. I'm just going to put REM's "its the end of the world" song on continuous repeat on my iPhone and pull the trigger when the ultimate apocalypse happens. I'm too old and tired to help or build society from scratch.

My reaction to the whole "end of the world" business.

I would shit myself and my face would rain tears of happiness and life-fulfillment if Patrick Stewart nodded in my general direction on the street.

The Road. This book depressed me for weeks. Completely, unrelentingly dismal vision of how the Earth ends.

I always describe my faith as agnostic leaning toward atheism. I'm not arrogant enough to say anything definitely, but I'm pretty sure god doesn't exist.

Thanks for this - you've illustrated something that I tell my students every year - "nothing in biology makes sense except in light of evolution".