
Preemptively, because I actually haven't seen it yet: so much this.

Days of Future Past has an insane number of major plot holes and inconsistencies with the rest of the series, but it's fun enough in its own right that I wasn't too upset about it.

The moment Snake Eyes jumped out of a helicopter, sliced one dude with a sword and cut another up with his katana, my inner eight year old crawled out of my chest, punched me in the face and screamed "SHUT UP THIS IS AWESOME"

You don't remember how desperate we were. It was STAR TREK, man!

How so? Darwin observed that creatures on different islands were similar but different. He came up with an explanation that fits the evidence. And so far nothing fits the evidence better.

Evolutionary psychology is not the theory of evolution. I don't think you actually understand what evolution is, honestly.

Yes, rapid burial can only happen in a global flood. No local flood, mudslide, rockslide, earthquake, quicksand, cave-in, or any other lesser disaster could possibly do it.

Vikings. Trashy HBO-wannabe, but somehow very watchable.

I'm re-watching The Avengers (Emma Peel and John Steed, not the comics-based ones). I wanted to be Emma Peel growing up, but I think I'm actually more a John Steed type: I'll let my partner do the work and I'll make pithy comments.

Twin Peaks.

Wine drinkers are just butt hurt that there are more flavor variations with beer.

I welcome any future in which tri-corner hats and brass goggles are the height of fashion.

I'm afraid I can fall asleep with most of them. Except when I'm trying to do that. I is an old.

I think we should avoid #1. All the rest I can live with except Tyrion or the dragons. Keep Tyrion, make him Dragonlord and Kind of Everything. And don't kill any more wolves. Please ...not the wolves ...

We've never done a webseries before. Help give us a chance to learn and make it better?

Pleasedon'tsuck pleasedon'tsuck pleasedon'tsuck!

Not to downplay my excitement for the next trailer, but when did releasing a trailer for a trailer become a thing?

That saddest part of all that was there were good, sound theories on how everything fit together posted all over the internet. How hard would it have been for the writers to look for one, hire that poster as an idea person and write scripts based on that idea?


Just ... Just all of it.