
If it weren't for the pretty women, and the fact none of the 100 are as young as their characters are supposed to be does make the show much more watchable.

Aha, but what if it only happens in the presence of bad EM (wifi, cellphones, anything else too new for me to understand) and chemtrails, eh? eh?

What about Ab King "making a warrior woman" out of Octavia? They totes did it! And given the unsanitary conditions, ten bucks says Octavia's going to have one hell of a UTI.

Wow, they really took the removal of Chris Hadfield's "Space Oddity" from YouTube hard. Dudes, he's Canadian! Don't take it out on the U.S.!

Space Race 2.0?

It's so intense that the trailer is not even allowed in my country.

I assume that since you put together (with good intentions obviously) this piece that reads like a reference library for Stormfront (complete with Amazon links) that you'll also be posting an article which serves as the inverse.

Yes, sadly that is true. It would be best if such things were run by the varying space agencies in cooperation with the UN, but likely, military powers will decide it all, and one wrong interpretation, say, the sign of respect by approaching with gun ports open, is interpreted as hostile and we start a war we can't

For humans, anyway, I imagine it would depend on the age and accumulated experience. Younger kids are programmed to learn, and don't yet have the same understanding of threats. When you're a kid and you wind up in the middle of a new environment (mall, hotel, whatever) you do all you can to get around and explore.

Esther (may I call you Esther?),

All of this totally misses the point of why Tyrion sent Shae away in the first place: to protect her. He didn't want her to leave, he only said all of that nasty shit to her to get her to go. Cersei had discovered Shae's identity and existence and Tyrion knew that meant a prompt and painful death for Shae.

I think Tyrion would have lived safety in Essos. His family probably wouldn't give two figs if he left (save Jaime). Tyrion could obtain a portion of the Lannister wealth. He is a Lannister, and had what seemed to be some sort of ability to throw the wealth around on numerous occasions. His quarters back at the

Dinklage just killed that final scene. All the hurt, resentment, and anger he has carried over a lifetime just came pouring out, directed not only at his family, but at the entire populace of King's Landing. It wasn't tactful at all but the vitriolic honesty was absolutely riveting.

None is needed. For we have spatial and metaspatial superiority. We rule realms in regions where orthogonal degrees of freedom number in the tens of millions.

As a plastics engineer I'm annoyed that people don't recycle their plastic waste. It can be reground and reprocessed dozens of times and doing so reduces the amount of petrochemicals used to make virgin resin.

Or just buy the same razors and blades that Dollar Shave Club uses from Amazon ...

Anything having to do with cleanliness.

Reaffirming the idea that people as a whole are uninformed trend following idiots.

The fact that this project's entire premise is one big "fuck you" to the laws of physics presents a bit of a problem.

I like her now, does that count?