
So Fox aired the episodes out of order so that the character development and plot seemed Schizophrenic, put long breaks in between episodes and barely put forth any marketing when new episodes actually aired. I'm sure they are shocked it didn't do well.

+1 on Kingslayer Brothers. That's a band name I can get behind!

I wish I could island hop across the Pacific in a classic flying boat. Leisurely traveling to islands like this. Back then flying was more like traveling on a train. Spacious compartments and lounges, restaurant service, a bar.

Your tormentors are, hopefully, assholes that you would never cross paths with again. And hopefully, they are miserable wherever they are.

I was viciously bullied, I was a kid with a stutter, a bad learning disability and I was small for my age- but I was whip smart. All of those kids that picked on me did nothing with their lives, as a matter of fact, three have been guests of various Law Enforcement Agencies in the State of Texas. It was the worst

Tony... You're a moron. I'm so sorry.

So, pretty much Abydos: The Series

If something can make people live longer and not just theoretically, it's going to be accessible to a select demographic. Also, the government on the whole isn't going to go out of the way to keep poor & middle class people alive longer. Most of them are pretty clear they ain't about that shit.

However, you'd be shaking so much that you could probably escape by vibrating through the wall, like the Flash.

They will stop making these movies when Milla Jovovich stops looking awesome in that outfit!

Dinosaurs are too a gateway drug to science. I snorted a crushed Ornithomimid phalanx in Grade Nine, and now I can't leave the house without peer review.

Come on, you were waiting for this guy to appear, admit it.

I've watched it all, and I guess I'll watch the next season too, but this show has problems. It can't decide whether it's an alien invasion story, or a "rag-tag band of renegades fights a desperate battle against [insert generic threat here] with nothing but guts and heart" story. I hope they figure it out.

I want to hate this show but I keep watching and I'm actually looking forward to this season.

Its not horrible at all, there are good and bad episodes but its better than 95% of the crap on TV.

How many birds have overflown it and taken a dump? How many animals have swam in it and defecated in it or urinated in it? Great example of the excesses of power combined with stupidity.

Stop spoiling Game of Thrones by giving away plot points from the book please.

You see progress, I see a massive waste of a finite resource that also happens to be destroying our planet.

Loving this show so far. Though it gets really annoying when people get snarky and nit-picky about things like Clarke's hair looking not looking like a rat's nest of horror. This is a TELEVISION SHOW. Do you not understand how TV works? And TV on the CW, no less. Here is a hint — casting attractive people and keeping