Hamed Emine

CCleaner has a secure deletion mode which can overwrite the blocks with data and prevent data recovery. You can choose from increasingly paranoid settings (1 pass, 3 passes, 7 passes, and up to the ridiculously redundant Gutmann method 35 passes). It even has a tool "Drive Wiper" to overwrite over all free space with

Yeah, that's why you should also upsize everything, buy in bulk, and encourage obesity.

You meant twats, right?

It's called English fuckheads, it's not even ours to begin with.

Something I've never seen a discussion on is marriage and finances. Try not to marry someone with completely different attitudes about money than you have. It doesn't seem like a big deal during the courtship, but after a few years it becomes the MOST important thing. If one of you wants to live in a cheaper

What I learned from Kobe. If you are an elite professional athlete you can get away with rape.

Stealing a cop car while chased by the police? Boy, this is all my GTA IV gaming coming to real life.

Can't wait for the Speed3. I tried like hell to get my boy one when he turned 16 and he flat refused. He *really* wanted an RX8 R3. I had promised him if he fulfilled his end of the deal, I'd fulfill mine, so R3 rotary it was. But, I think he's getting over the rotary now, so I'd be plenty happy to send him off to

*sigh* You're really gonna make me spell this out. Alright, fine.

I think the point is to use this mod after you've beaten the game once.

I hate to go against the grain here, but ever since I learned that reheating pizza on the stove was not only viable but actually fantastic for keeping the crispiness, I've never looked back. I won't go back to the oven and definitely not the microwave.