
I will ride into the sunset of fight-starting with you on this one; I couldn't get into FFT's grinding-until-I-become-god-like at all (on any iteration of the game, playstation, psp, ios), unlike most of my friends, but the linear map and story progression as well as the general mechanics for Fire Emblem 6 and 7

honesty didn't help pentavision global with their USA distribution of djmax technika. People whining the entire way through, bc ppl started accusing them of telling lies instead of thanking them for up to date delay reports and stuff.;

when i saw the article, i thought this was in reference to eroge and stuff of that nature lol i'm a little disappointed that it wasn't.

thanks for your list too :D sort of disappointed that Gravity Rush didn't turn out great for you, but I'm glad you like P4G; I really like that there's an entryway drug for other Shin Megami Tensei titles I can tell other ppl to play now.

i'm not sure; I used to be into PC games in the early 2000s and late 90s, and for awhile in the late 2000s I was really into doujin games, but now I strongly prefer arcade games, and most of the 2000s decade I played jrpgs, fighting games, and music games.

thanks for the response man :D it's good to get feedback since i don't know anybody in person with a vita lol

Ahh, much appreciated.

out of curiosity, can you list the games you have, I'd love to expand my library assuming I don't already own the equivalents on PS3 or something

out of curiosity, can you list the games you have, I'd love to expand my library assuming I don't already own the equivalents on PS3 or something

Yeah, P4G is really good from what I've heard, but I had P4 on PS2 since several years ago, and graduate school keeps me from spending time on P4G :(

i enjoyed PDf enough to say i got my money out of the vita, it's not the first time i've bought a system for a game (paper mario thousand year door). The real kicker was crypton saying no more project diva releases for vita for now. I wouldn't have minded 1-2 games a year. I mostly wanted to see what kind of reaction

The Vita was the greatest investment I've made this year!.... is what i want to say but can't. I played a grand total of... 1 game on it, and that was Project Diva f. My plans only consist of Gravity Rush, and Senran Kagura, and the release map in both america and japan isn't looking so hot, so, uh, this was a really

a coworker of mine asked his friend traveling to Europe to go find and bring back a bottle of what the locals in Greece and Italy would consider good extra virgin olive oil. Apparently, what he was told to bring back after traveling all over was a bottle of American-imported olive oil. According to the traveler, even

you could've at least said Shuffle! or, you know, anything other than Little Busters lol at least Little Busters original was an all ages release.

I must be an old fart or something, but I remember back on a pentium 233 with a voodoo 3 2000, half-life, the associated mods (CS .65b, TFC, etc.), quake 3, and UT being a crapload of fun, burning hours on hours, without any actual reward for playing multiplayer other than having fun. I understand that people tend to

I'm going to be a jerk and say "oh OF COURSE the game is better than the anime," because I used to hear that all the time, and I used to tell that to people quite often. But I totally understand, the 60-90 hour investment in a game is hardly worth it as soon as real life grabs you by the ear, and my only exposure to

I don't think I've played a game online in a long time; I primarily play fighting/music games in the arcade, and a bunch of others with my gf (shmups and stuff too), but we tend to play a lot of reaction/timing based games. The moment we step online, our playing degenerates into a lot of complaining about playing

the prediction is same as ICS stock even after you've sent in your logs and texts for it to analyze? o_O my stock nor swype wasn't even close to swiftkey after i tossed in several thousand texts, and some of the easier 2-3 word sentences the markov chain or whatever it uses can straight predict without any typing now.

I got to the part near the beginning where you're supposed to walk in the desert until the game makes you pass out or something and end up in town, but I never did enough screen transitions and I quit playing because I couldn't (wouldn't? i'm not even sure anymore) figure out how to get the damn vehicle townspeople

I ordered the $50 package from their site last night solely on the grounds that Kickstarter booted the project off and Gawker networks are whining about it lol i never liked card games, but sure I'll toss money at a project that makes everybody upset WAH THERE'S TENTACLES ON THE INTERNET WAH.