That turkey is a slut shaming asshole.
That turkey is a slut shaming asshole.
And something else to smile about. Whatever shitty thing Trump comes up with to insult Madonna, she is worth around 560 million. And SHE started with 16.00 in her pocket.
As annoying as I find Madonna, I do enjoy the Madonna & Rosie friendship.... And any mention of A League of Their Own.
Seven-year itch indeed.
Wicked old people like Schlafly with their Christian-derived misogyny make the role of homemaker seem less valuable than it really is.
Yeah there’s a 50/50 chance I may be a POS.
Well, Scalia’s actually fairly easy to understand once you realize that he was born and raised in an era when being Italian meant only a tenuous connection to being “white.” He was something of a coward, and like most cowards, learned that the easiest way to manage his fear was to always make sure the crowd had…
Yes, you’ll really get black people on your side if you assume they’re all poor and badly educated and living in New York circa 1975! Come to my historically black, middle-class neighborhood in Detroit, Trump. See a thriving community where kids play in the streets in front of beautiful Tudor homes. Tell people who…
We’re not allowed.
Funny how you don’t hear of regular people suffering from “exhaustion.”
Amen. That’s the kind of skill and confidence that you could only get from the vaudeville circuit.
Well, obviously, if he was black he would’ve deserved the death penalty right then and there because uh reasons. Yeah... reasons...
Since apparently nobody has gone there yet, I’ll put it down: same set up, skipping on cab fare, carrying narcotics, probably under influence, refusing to identify himself, running from cops, resisiting arrest by kicking and punching cops... But this time a black young man...
Cops would have called the coroner’s office on their way to the scene, to try and save time.
From the Obvious Questions with Obvious Answers Desk: what if the little fucker had been black?
It's not just them. There are far too many kids-usually black kids- who are living in terrible circumstances and see their only way out as physically becoming a commodity for people to trade in through athletics.
Doesn’t the original already have a queer twist? You see her laying/next to female and male bodies.
I’d just like to add Shadowboxer here.