
Gauge. Dude he seriously has ONE EAR GAUGED.

He looks like every mistake I made between 2007 and 2011.

Monster High straitjacket chick in the grungy asylum for the win! Too awesome. I like seeing really well-done miniature tableaux like that. The work that goes into the craft & the photography, it's just verah verah cool.

Hold up - Barbie has jointed knees now? Like legit ones, not the "sort of bend legs that look weird at the table" legs?

Was coming to say the same thing. I'm sure this Emma person is a nice gal and all, but Dodai has earned this spot, and I think it fucking stinks she was passed over.

Jessica, I'm relieved to hear you'll be staying on at Jezebel. I've been reading the site for years (albeit mostly as a lurker, which is why I mainly languish in the grays) and really love it.

First, thank you Jessica Coen for making this site great for so long. I really can't say much more than that, it'd take to long and you probably have something to do other than reading me gush.

Thank you for fighting the good fight, Jessica. Every day, you and your amazing staff open this clueless guy's eyes more and more. I'm glad you're sticking around, though! :)

Umm, can we talk about how Gronk is definitely being a centerfold for Playcat in that picture?

Especially with kids, I think rather than encouraging weight loss, doctors should encourage MORE fun physical activity. Society's "Eat less, do less," model is limiting. "Eat more, do more" is empowering, especially for kids who are GROWING, regardless of current BMI. Physical activity helps people's bodies work the

It is an old Southern expression phrased so it takes a minute for the hearer to understand you've just told him to urinate on his own face.

You should really piss up a rope, liberalsaredelusional.

Having been a fat kid and a fat teenager I would have loved it if a doctor had actually had a conversation with me about how much I was exercising, what do I eat? Do I know what a healthy diet looks like? Because no one did. Not one. I was just told, over and over again, to lose weight. Which turned into starving

True facts- one of the reasons my husband isn't a Catholic any more is because his religion teacher in middle told him that heaven was only for people, no dogs. He said fuck that noise.

It's very simple. Never judge men badly, because #notallmen, but know better than to drink around men, and don't wear enticing clothes, but there's also no reason to be a prude, and catcalls are compliments unless they aren't, and don't ever provoke men, including by existing around an angry man b/c then you're

I'm going to have to take a very critical stance towards what you're saying. There's always someone on these articles who makes this point and it always rubs me the wrong way. It's basically a rehashing of the old, and thoroughly debunked idea that bullies secretly hate themselves.

Please don't. It's like those idiots who declared themselves "Jedi" on the census. You're not doing yourself or atheists any favors. You're just making atheists look like pretentious, smug, grumpy, assholes. It's the equivalent of firing off a stupid one liner like "If God's so great, could he make a burrito so large

It's almost as if gay people can be gay without it being a huge defining trait in their personality and/or storyline.

I was visiting Rome and taking a bus with some friends when we started talking to a nun who couldn't have been older than 25. She was from Seattle, and had just gotten to Rome a few months before, so she was still acclimating, but knew her shit. We get to a stop, and a man snatches her backpack and tries to run off of

You always leave a stick shift in gear when parked. This way, if it's on an incline, the car will stay put, even if the parking brake fails. I found this out when I was messing around in my parent's car that was parked in our sloping driveway, knocked it out of gear, and the parking brake failed. Luckily, it hit the