In soviet Russia, orangutan fingerbangs you.
In soviet Russia, orangutan fingerbangs you.
Probably because Bristol, England is a large city and Bristol, PA isn't? As a rule of thumb, if no other context is given, you go with the major city. Also, the fact that this was reported by the Daily Mail should give a hint that this is not a Pennsylvania township.
I finished the course pretty quickly, but I swear to God that never happens.
"If I post this TWICE, maybe someone will take note of my unnecessary criticism."
You really put in a lot of effort to comment not once, but twice that this is a slow mile. I bet you're fun at parties.
As someone new to running and also proudly slow as balls I just want to say you sir are very discouraging and also go against every inspirational running quote on Pinterest! What happened to "no matter how slow you're going, your lapping everyone on the couch", huh huh?
This woman is a genius.
I continue to be flummoxed by folks who believe that flying is somehow a constitutional right, that air marshals and cops are just there to annoy them, and that if they just yell and make a big enough scene they can totally stay on the small metal tube that will soon be up in the air.
Or we could just change how we raise young girls. If enough of them grew up to be women who knew it was their right to not have to take anyone's shit, ever — and have that right be recognized, rather than punishing them for claiming it — then a lot of this predatory crap would go away on it's own.
The consequences of lying are predicated on being caught by someone knowledgeable enough to know the truth and/or being called out for it when they do catch you.
My Dad grew up dirt poor and is a vicious negotiator. A few years back, through extensive research and rebates and this and that he got a very sweet deal on a very popular car - a fully loaded Honda Accord, which usually sells itself.
What gets me is all the comments saying it isn't a gendered thing and women need to just learn to negotiate and they NEVER have a problem because they call people on shit. Do people even read the article before wanting to lay the blame women? This was about people flat out lying because of gender and warmth. Even if…
Priests will talk to you. You might have to make an appointment though. They do give them training these days, so he won't be a completely unprepared.
Odd question.... Do priests just talk and counsel people who aren't regular parishioners? I have some heavy things on my mind that have to do with guilt and forgiving myself for things out of my control that I carry around after a very traumatic event, and I feel like I want to talk to someone that isn't a mental…
Guys, I am in need of some feminist internet help. My boyfriend, as much of a wonderful, kind, respectful, amazing person as he is, really doesn't understand what it's like to experience daily sexual harassment and is getting frustrated at me for being continually scared and angry these last four months that I've been…
So... I climbed my potential new guy like a tree last weekend. The 8 month drought has ended. Dating a really attractive man has lead me to the realization that I have some serious self esteem issues though (I knew there was some self esteem issues before but not to this extent). Not really sure how to deal with it...…