
A friend died today. We weren't amazingly close, but we went to school together for years and her family lives three houses down from me. She was one of the most energetic, spunky girls I have ever met - so much so that not everyone got along with her in school. We were both part of a very close knit group of friends

Jesus, why do guys like you always feel the need to turn a conversation like this back around to dudes? God FORBID we have a discussion about vaginas without mentioning cock. Get over it, the world's not all about you. Want an article about circumcision? Go write one.


Oh my god, yes. Terrified of the trouser snake when I was younger, I think I may have even told a boyfriend that early in high school. Shitty of me.

True of course, no one is obligated to have sex. But to laugh at someone? Nope, then they deserve the boot. You said you'd try to be polite, and that's kind of the point. The whole topic of conversation would be what to do if someone rudely said "ewww" or laughed.

ME TOO I had no idea labias hung out until recently. Made of plastic over here.

You are the best

And they get spurned in return. See how that works? If a man, OR A WOMAN, laughed at someone else's genitals in front of them, they would deserve to have their ass booted out the door.

SO happy about this!!

best story!

This is what fucking pisses me off about this attitude - it's so UNGODLY SELFISH that a man would rather his family have a shittier quality of life than live with the fact his wife makes more money. Like an ego needs to be catered to over a family.

That must suck to be a Man, wherein your masculinity is always up to other Men. It must also suck to have other random Men say that you don't know what you're talking about as a Man! Sheesh.

I like the way you said it too though! ;)

Ha ha, funny that you "know your own" yet a straight guy has already responded saying he'd pass. Guess he must be lying??

I am sorry to hear about this, getting shit from a parent is the woooorst. Sending internet good vibes your way ~~~

Calvin Harris reference, I love you.

Dan Ireland and Judd Apatow should have a tea party! And discuss batshit personal attacks to use on critics.

ME TOO. For sxome reason putting it on gets me going. Go us.