
The character in the game does seem to be more based on Tara Reeds character in Big Lebowski.

Tarantino also had access to a katana. Hrm, maybe we’re onto something. New order, every woman who interacts with Weinstein should carry a sword!

We were not insured. We could never bring our older home up to code to afford insurance. My sister, who hosted the Gofund Me set our goal, to help us with immediate needs, such as housing and getting the demolition of our home started. We are only thinking of survival at the moment. We will never be able to replace

Also helped that it was properly, brutally hard in a way that Mario Kart never was. Those boss races were something else.

One of the best pieces I’ve read about the games opens up with “When you first see Geralt, he looks like a parody of a 90s videogame protagonist...but then you get to know him.

I remember hearing it might be animated which would allow for alot more of the exotic locals and monsters.

Anything that’s digital-only and dependent on servers could be dismissed like this, especially if said publishers are super-snippy about protecting their IP (thus preventing fan servers). I’m only pointing out that a game that is artistically poignant and not dependent on server infrastructure (and popularity for

It’s pretty clear that From Software are fans of Berserk, so you if you like their work it’s worth seeing where they got a lot of their inspiration from. It really depends on what you consider loose homage, but I definitely see many parallels. As for Bloodborne being Lovecraftian and Victorian, well in my opinion

Not sure why relevancy in 5 years matters when considering single player experiences, at all, but sure, why wouldn’t it be? Majora’s Mask, Ocarina of Time, Windwaker, these are all relevant games today despite being as old they are and are still very much loved. Are they as played now as they were, and are they

I don’t know how anybody could have read/watched Dragon Ball all this time and NOT realized that he’s just been making up nonsense from the beginning.

I’m pretty sure that realizing that a good chunk of people whom society loves are actually pretty flawed(or grotesque) is a step in becoming realistically aware that the world we live in was always trash, haha

The Polish government views CD Projekt as a company of national importance. Its doubtful they would even allow the sale.

I mean if you prefer a game that costs $15 a month+expansions+cash shop on top of all that over a free game then yeah, you the man.

So in a few weeks they’re going to do the thing guild wars 2 has done for 5 years...?

Happily admitting again that I was wrooooooong about the Switch. Congrats to Nintendo, and I’m looking forward to grabbing one.

I dunno! Maybe he’s been trying to think of the good things? I mean, it really seems like he had a lot of creative freedom—even, if other work conditions were allegedly less than ideal...

Both this and One Punch Man were made by web animators, and it shows you how talented this new generation of creators are. I wish the game industry embraced fan game designers as much as the anime industry encourages web comics.

In all likelihood, no chance you get a substantive response from any Kotaku staffer on this. Stating or even implying that there was anything good about AM2R could get them blackballed by Nintendo, and there’s nothing here worth risking that.

Thank you for this. The platform people have to dig into every minute aspect of everything in order to find something wrong with a harmless art is too large. This crap needs to stop and we need to appreciate the nod to Nintendo classics and quit making everything a political statement.

My girlfriend is looking for a job right now. 75% are bilingual REQUIRED.