This isn’t exactly freelance watercolor.
This isn’t exactly freelance watercolor.
yeah, people who watched the pre-screening saw it, and there are licensed toys that show it.
HAHAHAHAHA! :’D fantastic
This is why i would classify it as near perfect myself, my only real flaw with the game is the map size. you can still have these little isolated hubs that act as puzzles themselves, but you also need breathing room, this game needs a bit more open areas...maybe even vehicles.
Ah, good point.
we need to wash away the bad taste of GT and a huge chunk of the Buu arc. I want this series to go on forever! :)
I think this is just mastery, plus dragonball is always about shattering previous barriers.
oh, no, thats not exactly it. Goku faded out of the form, but his BASE fighting ability had already experienced a radical departure from his previous state, because he had actually fought at that level, its pretty much the same thing we have seen before with every form they have taken, where their base body just…
As much as i agree with that there is also a whole lot of europe that has not been covered, we have yet to see any germanic setting, the northern renaissance in amsterdam would be fantastic to visit, could be an interesting to parallel with the ezio trilogy. We need diversity, but assassins creed mostly has to do with…
It really doesn't need explanation I guess, they figured out how to trigger the actual ss state alongside God form, and somehow tap into God form without ritual. beerus said goku body learned from the transformation and him transforming into ssj after dropping from that form was just reflexive. I'm more interested in…
yeah? well zelda's kind of an eastern game m8, so is devil may cry. western devs couldn't get this combat style right until recent years and pretty much only by imitation. If you have anything to compare it to thats western be my guest and drop me a name, but i'm certain japan likely did it first. Western RPG video…
"the long animations were arcane"
I hope you mean archaic. good article though.
its the same thing as having headphones on and sitting at a desk facing a corner, someone just has to tap you on the shoulder to get your attention. Nothing is really changing in that regard, other than your paranoia. if you are so worried about it then i'm certain people will design alarm type trigger systems that…
if you never purchased an exclusive pc game then you are missing out on strategy, simulation, a billion brilliant indi games... the only game genre the pc lacks is fighting games and maybe action adventure titles in the vein of zelda or jak.
so you are saying that you don't want to put any effort, you just want to have it now. people like you are the reason people consider xbox the fast food of gaming... disgusting and lazy frame of thought.
once again proof that people care more about the already out of the box couch experience, rather than the much more flexible home theater systems you can make with a pc with minimal effort....its just lack of effort on the part of the user., or just not connecting the two, you just make the gaming pc this exclusive…
sorry for shouting.
but seriously, this particular game may be shady that much is out of question, but most fan projects have fan support and are released FOR FREE that should absolutely be fine. Consider it fan art, or tribute. Its not hurting anyone.
*day z, not faux, sorry dumb phone. :(
exactly, the hardcore mmo crowd are not what this game caters too. I think an eve player would be insulted by that title. I think a rust or faux player is who this game is made for.
in the state its in it looks better than most early access games, but i haven't been burned by the ones i chose to support.
looks better than rust, nowhere close to being as polished as the forest, but has potential...i may buy it.