Halladay In Cambodia

It's a Wonderful Life, Wizard of Oz, pretty much any Disney movie before Little Mermaid, The Passion of the Christ, Life is Beautiful.

Braveheart. Gosh yes. In fact, I've never seen anything with Mel Gibson that I didn't hate. Also hate Blue Velvet. That was one that was highly recommended by a good friend who knew me well and thus should have realized. I utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly hated it. That must be 20 years ago. Who knows, I might not

Almost Famous - People slobbered over it. I was bored. Plus Kate Hudson was hot but was almost jailbait.

Bennett can still claim bragging rights over Mordecai Brown's wife, who went her entire life by only scoring half a digit.

"I like how its mouth stays open." - Mel Hall

King Cake Baby was fond of yelling "show me your tits" to females in the crowd