The Strumbellas - End of an Era:
The Strumbellas - End of an Era:
Current Swell - When to Talk and When to Listen:
Not to mention that portuguêse is the native language in the areas of Uruguay closest to Brazil. IIRC, about 20% of Uruguay speaks portuguêse. Along with these three, it’s also a cultural language in Senegal, Paraguay, and South Africa. While Paraguay and South Africa aren’t exactly a hotbed for futebol, the combined…
“When you wish upon a Star...bury!”
National Geographic narrator: “This is a rather unorthodox way for multiple devil rays to descend upon planktonic crustaceans.”
I may be incorrect, but I think this is the same theory Chris Cornell’s family have for his suicide.
I’m often left to wonder how many suicides are a direct result of unintentional prescription/OTC drug mixing. He was likely on some sort of antidepressant (due to past mentions of depression) and may have been on something else, who knows what, and the mix of drugs drove him to do something that he otherwise wouldn’t.…
The true motive behind the cancellation: Trump is worried the playing of “Fly, Eagles Fly” will send the flock of Leucistic House Sparrows that make their home atop his barren scalp into a uncontrollable frenzy.
It would have been absolutely amazing if the Eagles attended the ceremony and took a knee in unison in front of the cameras. Once-in-a-lifetime photo/video opportunity lost to make Agent Orange have a public aneurysm, but good on the Eagles for not normalizing this imbecile.
Gives new meaning to the term Clutch Hitter
Perkins, to Curry: “Don’t you step on my blue suede shoes. You can do anything but lay off of my blue suede shoes!”
An amazing song from Marlon Williams - a young New Zealander that has the voice of a man twice his age. This song has been stuck in my head since I’ve first heard it:
Good to see that Roseann found a new gig so quickly!
Blew Shot J.R.
“A diet of Shirley Temples and sweets would simply be delectable!”
You mean”The Art of the Deal”!
Anyone with the ability to read and critically think will see this is a valid lawsuit. Each team in the NBA-G League has at least one team physician plus an athletic trainer certified in CPR on premises (medical support staff provided by UofM Metro Health for Drive home games). That a person lie on the court for four…
NFL Scandal: Kneeling player is doing so out of protest, not due to brain swelling or neurological failure.
His email: diawandtwo1stpicks05@gmail.com