
I bought the (then) most recent NBA Live a year or two ago and ended up returning it a day later. The thing with basketball is that the game is all about the inter-connected movements of separate players all working together within a restricted space, and that’s really, really hard to replicate in a videogame. Every

Best gum? I’m chewing Arctic Grape from Ice Breakers right now. It’s good!

I think video games are objectively better now than they’ve ever been.

The Florida Gator baseball team won a game against Eastern Michigan earlier in the year on a walk-off catcher’s interference. That’s probably worse than losing on a balk, right?

Someone is being played by Eliza Coupe in the biopic.

One of the more annoying rhetorical tactics you see on the internet is the bold, controversial claim, immediately followed by a defensive reaction to criticism along the lines of “Obviously I never meant to claim...,” and then a “clarification” that makes the initial claim much less interesting and worthy of note.

Another fun fact: most college baseball players aren’t on full scholarship. Baseball programs have 11.7 scholarships to divvy up amongst their players- rosters can vary in size, but for reference, Florida has 31 players listed on its website.

I still think it would be cool for LeBron to become the ultimate NBA nomad/mercenary/ring chaser. Just sign a series of one-year contracts every season to play with whatever team catches his fancy that year.

Huzzah! I’ve been missing an infuriatingly difficult gaming experience since finishing Dark Souls 3.

Let’s discuss the biggest atrocity in this piece:

I gotta say...Olivia Wilde kinda seems like a magnificent Aryan goddess. Those cheekbones....I guess even loathsome white supremacists get one right occasionally.

I vaguely remember an ungodly annoying level in this game where you had to put on a suit and sneak through a heavily guarded area undetected. But you had to give up your guns before entering, and actually going undetected was damn near impossible.

Ramsey strikes me as the one major character who’s inevitably going to convince himself that throwing in his lot with the Others/White Walkers is the best course of action.

I was kind of surprised when the first details leaked out that they were sticking with the Animus conceit- it seems to introduce a level of needless complexity into the start of your big franchise tentpole. I would have been tempted to throw all of that out and just jump into Ezio’s storyline in Renaissance Florence-

Here’s what I don’t get about Bayless- granting that his act draws ratings and clicks, is he so uniquely skilled at it that he really merits millions of dollars a year? It just doesn’t seem as though what Bayless does is particularly difficult or unique- spout hot takes in a confident voice, mix in the occasional

If Cruz had been, I don’t know, maybe...25-percent less of an asshole during his career, would the GOP have rallied around him earlier as the Trump alternative? If he had just exercised the tiniest bit of tact and grace and hadn’t built his entire persona around being more conservative and more “pure” than everyone

Would definitely seem to be a contender to overtake Rubén Rivera’s infamous Jon Miller-called “that was the worst base running in the history of the game!” moment.

Martin’s pages were written by Stevie Wonder, who can see.

A good soft pretzel is one of the great underrated snack foods in modern America.

Are there any high school or college coaches who are considered throughout professional front offices to be arm shredders? Or, on the other hand, are there coaches who front offices know protect their arms? I know Rice, for example, used to be regarded as a shredding machine, but is there anyone who makes front office