And how about we stop using "people" to mean "men."
And how about we stop using "people" to mean "men."
True enough, but next generation console =/= next generation hardware, the WII U's physical specifications when compared to even the Xbox one is laughable at best an while I no way advocate the idea that bigger or better this will equal better games Nintendo simply released a well developed tablet... attached to a 360
Wii U... next gen console?
Also can you not see your own comments now or something on Kinja or what? >.>
enjoy all that Aspettane kids, its good for you! Just like sodium benzoate!
here's a actual translation of her thoughts "Wow all of these death threats towards me an Zimmerman convinced me Zimmerman must be evil (all though I'm not necessarily saying he was a great husband) So I better separate myself from him an make it publicly obvious I hate him to as to prevent certain groups from killing…
To be fair women are more dangerous.
Please talk about women an not robot facsimiles pretending to be women, seriously fuck these cookie cutter bitches who try an empower women while making sure to inject fat in to what ever body part is currently popular, Seriously I can't stand these bitches an what they pretend to stand for.
Dude.. the ratting board is not some evil government entity.. it protects the industry from you know a kid coming home with a game and it turns out to have something parents rate as inappropriate. Like with the COD fiasco where parents were like "There's sex not just violence in this game!?!" We can go, yeah see the…
Artist logic "Guys always want to wear full clothes even as lvl one suits, girls want to go from no clothes to clothes!"
and I'm yet to see proof that kinds under a certain age are not in some way becoming mentally more accepting of violence especially random violence.
"Why did that parent buy an M rated game for his child? It's always, video games are violent for kids. Never once taking into consideration that video games are for adult as well"
*Facepalm* Some one posts an article about how gaming is sexist as hell to female devs, I post that this is you know an issue that needs to be delt with an not ignored because you know sexism exists and just because the guy above me as aprently had this all shoved down his thoat (some how I doubt that) that this means…
Cool! good for you!
Apparently even Jez doesn't want to see fat chicks it seems! The Hippocratic nature my lord!
of course they don't feel bad, in Microsoft's eyes (and every big business) as far as the public can know they never did anything wrong ever ever! nothing was wrong or bad it was just "Not the right time for this type of discussion" that is the closest you might possibly get to a "We fucked up" but I highly doubt it…
Ok got it, so you don't like people who actually care about important issuse and are willing to call your bullshit got it.
So in short "I don't like that you people keep fighting for equality, I read some non to articulate comments on the internet and now know exactly how this all goes down" perhaps if you read the article you'd have notice the only one basically forced to walk on eggshells was her.