Why is Gwyneth wearing my Nana’s house coat? Does she keep her smokes in the inside pocket too?
Why is Gwyneth wearing my Nana’s house coat? Does she keep her smokes in the inside pocket too?
presumably that family refers to it as “sowing one’s domesticated oats.”
Queen Elizabeth II has a much firmer grasp of history, appropriateness, military sacrifice and compassion then every single member of this miserable grifter band.
Meh. Lets not do what fox news did to michelle O. This is nothing. Not a bad idea, all in all.
“Ketchup does not belong on le bœuf, imbécile!”
Never thought I’d be counting on people like Macron and Merkel to save the free world from the likes of Trump, but here we are.
Thank god Macron won, I don’t think I could have handled watching Marine simpering up at Trump in feminine reverence.
Apparently, I was doing a lot of illegal drink in a few different states over the last few years. Oops!
Knowing how to tell your johns, “I take cash, VISA, and American Express” in several different languages isn’t the same as actually “speaking” the language.
I WAS eating. Now I have half a sandwich and a Chobani that are up for bids.
I would LOVE to see that smug little weasel Kushner taken down.
It would be all Pocahontas, all the time, for sure.
I disagree. I think it’s in Democrats best interest to look like they’re being partisan and not put too much trust in Comey- *yet*.
Kudos. All the stars out tonight are yours...
I used to smoke in the month of June - I have no knowledge of why.
You’re describing my life (except I switch to smoking other things during the week...)
I used to smoke and I miss it. Frankly the reason why I quit is because it’s been deemed un-cool and you take a ton of shit for it. I don’t think anyone is pro-smoking anymore because of social norms, when I saw this story a few weeks ago I immediately thought these celebs were going to take a popularity hit because…