
Howard Dean is still hot, in my opinion.

My wife and I thank you, and our babies Randy, Monk, and Natalie thank you.

I worked in restaurants all throughout my 20's. Sexual harassment is a part of the job, so much so that, as both CA Pinkham and the woman in this story say, you just grow accustomed to it being a part of the job, ESPECIALLY from the kitchen staff. I have this strange feeling even typing this, that just acknowledging

Another Robert Dowley Jr.

To play devil's advocate, I'm always curious as to what level of cultural appropriation IS justifiable. The reflexive answer is generally, "None whatsoever," but almost all style as we think of it springs not from a vacuum, but is the product of a varied melting pot of associations and ideas, which combinations of

David Moore's new legislation,

I see they gathered and disguised several mothers — maybe the others were un"successful" so that's why they used these two. I think if it was all staged, the men would probably not just keep desperately repeating the same lines. However, I do think all the action in the "surveillance van" was totally staged, filmed

That's how you get pinkeye.

I love cats and would like to have one. I'm very allergic to cats. I will never be able to own a cat.

I kind of worry that he didn't actually do anything worthy, and that someone just grabbed this pic because he's:

Now playing

My dream is for him to go on SNL/Jimmy Fallon/SOMETHING and recreate the ENTIRETY of the Good Vibrations video, scene for scene.

Yea, and the men's plane can even be shaped like a sausage, and the pilots can sit in an area known as the COCKpit!

Hey, obese people have to buy a second seat, right?

I swear to GOD if I ever found out my (actual) son had done something like this his life wouldn't be worth living for about two years.

When I was a tween I worked with a horse that was terrified of doorways—must've cut himself bad on a hinge or something when he was little. He was the tallest horse in the stable and I was all of 95 lbs. I'd take him to his stall and he'd paw around and hesitate then throw his head up high and just gallop in. Lifted