Ever heard the saying “Beggars can’t be choosers?”
I’m sure that canned produce and meat would be included.
If you need specially trained judges to determine who won, then it isn’t a sport. It may be athletic, it may be skillfull, but it isn’t a sport.
Sounds more like Raistlin played as a dark elf.
I agree that it was a stupid move. But did the King family license it?
The actor who played Vader (Jones was a voice actor for Vader) is David Prowse. He’s white. No slight to Jones, whose voice encompasses Vader. But Prowse also leaked Vader’s parentage years before ESB was relased.
I’ll let the Boston Celtics and New England Patriots know that people aren’t mascots.
We all knew that Vader was white once he said he was Luke’s father.
Yeah, my first post was not kind. But objectively, she doesn’t look good. But for a lady of her age, she’s in fantastic shape.
So you’re saying that we brush our teeth with pee.
Have to admit that I’m a bit ticked at Tomek making these dangerous choices and leaving behind a widow and three kids.
Uh, she looks like Michael Caine with a wig.
This should be the standard of awful in sports. Malarchuk’s throat spurting blood was one of those things young Canadians at the time will never forget.
You don’t know the difference between Ebola and E-coli?
Can’t find the term ‘huddled masses’ in the constitution. Is there a law somewhere that requires it?
AGW might actually help the caribou. Warmer weather engenders more plant growth. More plant growth provides more food, etc.
I can see money being a problem, but Salt? If you can’t sell it, just throw it back into the ocean.
Small-pox blankets are one of the biggest myths perpetuated. There is one instance that may have occurred, but a breakout occurred nearby at a British fort and that’s more likely to be the cause of the subsequent breakout nearby.
Sustained military action? Check.