
It's hard for me to disagree with Wade. I'd like environment to have huge influence on these things.

That's a pretty bold claim.

You haven't given an explanation beyond "I don't like this" to explain why Wade is wrong.

If it wasn't for Mao, they might be.

Maybe not thrifty per se, but neuroticism, which is associated with thriftyness.

Fair enough. How do you test validity? There aught to be some measure of success associated with intelligence, some ability to prosper. If IQ doesn't correlate with success/prosperity, then IQ shouldn't matter.

You can argue that he sounds silly, but it is far more likely that he has a better understanding of the science behind human genetics and evolution.

Isn't that the boat you're in? You're offering an interpretation of science (engaging in philosophy, if you will), without the benefit of reporting on 30+ years of scientific development. That probably offers a greater tendency to be 'crashingly wrong' than the experience that Mr Wade has.

Do you understand probability? Averages? The normal distribution?

Well, it isn't too surprising that intelligent people would be able to think of ways to measure intelligence.

If that was the case, why are the people in control of society lobbying for more immigration from poor countries like Mexico?

Opportunity is really the issue. Europeans became wealthy enough to be in a position of producing weapons that were horribly effective in some pretty expansive wars.

They don't make Jesse Jackson nervous when walking down a dark street either.

I think that this is an issue. I've heard the argument that race is a social construct enough times to know that there's opposition to the claim of a biological basis for race.

So, his explanation of why the races have different outputs is questionable.

You make appeals to groups so small that calling them fringe is an overestimation, and you want me to take that as a valid argument? There are communists and anarchists that have more influence than the groups you've referenced.

You think that, but you have no basis for thinking that. You just hate people who disagree with you, and want to justify that.

Why should I care what Stormfront thinks? They're irrelevant. They have fewer members than Bloods/Crips, and far less nostalgia. They have no effect on mainstream culture, they have little effect on society.

Wasatch Front in Utah has been unseasonably wet for May, and the Snowpack is 97% of normal.

Wade sites research that identifies genes associated with cognitive function. There will be more genes that will be found that are associated with cognitive function. And yes, he addresses the difference in commonality in various populations. But he has rejected the notion of superiority for any one group, and it is