Not EXACTLY on topic, but this teaser trailer for a fan-made episode is great. The actual episode was terrible though.
Not EXACTLY on topic, but this teaser trailer for a fan-made episode is great. The actual episode was terrible though.
I always assumed that they 'remembered' what 'they' did and forgot all about the waiting room. It would be just like you said - they wouldn't learn anything or remember.
But Sam HAD to fix whatever it was that went wrong - he and the time travel project were no longer in charge of his travels. That was the only way for him to get out of this person's life, hoping as the show says "that the next leap will be the one home." (Which never did happen according to the finale)
There was a short story about rebuilding after massive disaster using information dug up from the ruins. How to build a car, a fighter plane and so on. Sometimes the info was not quite complete but since they KNEW it could be done, they went ahead and did it.
Actually there ARE more than one road - at least in the movie. Scarecrow was found standing near an intersection and back in Munchkin City at the center spiral where the Yellow Brick Road starts a RED brick road also starts - going the other way. At least as best as I can recall - been a while.
Waterplant Chem/Bacteria lab. Sometimes near end of the day we get tired and out come our collection of balls. Super-balls, toy footballs, stuff like that. Even an odd-shaped one that looks like a meatball - it bounces in strange directions. It's a miracle nothing ever got broken.
It's also why our 'atomic' clocks adjust themselves overnight. Easier to pick up that weak AM radio signal from Boulder, Colorado (as I recall it coming from). My watch does this every night.
As much as I agree with this - what diseases would they be spreading if they entered a 100% immunized community?
With the 'longer' part I just meant space-normal speeds to get there. I see no reason to think of it in present terms when we can never interact with it's present. But your right, descriptions of distant objects should at least include "6 million years ago" or whatever.
I think it's OK to keep doing as long as it would take us that long or longer to get there/talk to anyone there. When we get warp drive/stargate/whatever then get it right.
Damn. Beat me to it. 1st thought that popped into my head when I saw the picture.
We need a high gravity object to act as a shepard moon, to orbit inside the debris field. Create a ring around the planet like Saturn has.
Careful - don't get too close.
When the Enterprise went back and ran into Gary Seven, their record tapes showed that a malfunctioning warhead was detonated just as it happened to them moments ago. They were just part of what was 'supposed' to happen. I've always wondered what they said BEFORE it happened....
Because it would be boring to stay on the ship all the time. Officers need fun time as well.
The Prime Directive doesn't apply to "The Apple" except in involvement in local affairs. Their ship was under attack from the ground so it is obvious that SOMEONE on the planet knows damn well about space flight. They actually had a case about the PD protecting THEM from the planet.
And in this case it was old shield design vs new transporter design as well.
Planetary ring my butt - that's a ringworld under construction along with the inner shadow square ring.
Larry Niven said it best (talking about boosterspice):