Actually this works perfect. I got my invite but I had my UK account transferred to the US so I've got two ...but yes this works w/o issue.
Actually this works perfect. I got my invite but I had my UK account transferred to the US so I've got two ...but yes this works w/o issue.
Do you need an invite Justin? If so ping me and I'll send you one.
Not really it plays your music and allows to play your tunes anywhere and allows you to play any track too (live Groove) so I'm trying G music beta and Spotify Prem to see which is better.
Hell though if we could get a radio feature with "Last.FM" or "MOG" similar artists along with your music it would be perfect. And even 10$ a month isn't bad but Google let's you play your music for free.
Yep, you can go in and change your country to US and there you go! WHAM. Now I have to many invites ;)
Love it! I think that's a great screen!
Prey is a good one.
I wish, I had an 80gig IPOD stolen from my bag at an airport! I was wearing the bag and didn't even feel it. I since have changed the type of bag and now lock it.
Agreed !! And if I get in and you don't I'll send you an invite and vice versa?
I am crossing my fingers hoping I get one !! :)
You know I could never get it to work either ... my fear to is aren't they keeping track of what you download and isn't that a potential security risk.
Can't seem to get past the reg form. Tried in 3 different browsers.... just goes to a blank page or says "Object Not Found"
Great write up ... most of these I've tried don't seem to have that much of an offering, this seems to sync with a lot more.
Really? I tried... didn't work :(
I got it !! Thank you Ryan!! I'll add you to my circle when it finally lets me in :) I owe you on buddy!
Wow I'd love one too but it says not to ask .. (asking anyway) (email address redacted)
Love it!
I still think HopStop is a better alternative
Isn't there a FREE non SUB version of something similar on Android?
You know PS I was just thinking about doing something like this for my office closet storage. I don't use it that often but when I do I have to go through a bunch of boxes.