
Guess what, dicknuts. I don’t read Vanity Fair. Or, as others have pointed out, watch the Colbert where this occurred. I don’t exhaustively trawl Redit. Nor do I have time to click on articles that don’t interest me and proceed to leave snarky, shit replies in the comment section. But in your case, I’m willing to

That’s me! It’s tough to read through all the trolling, but it’s usually worth it. There’s a broad cross-sectionof folks who come here. Many are quite intelligent me have unique knowledge. I appreciate it and hope I can contribute some say. Anybody want to know anything about planning for and financing transportation

Bobcat with a saddle made me snarf. But I’d still take the Bobcat over Betty Ford. Because walking around with a pair of saddled bobcats strapped to my feet would be boss.

Bobcat with a saddle made me snarf. But I’d still take the Bobcat over Betty Ford. Because walking around with a

I suppose that depends on your basis for comparison. They are far better constructed and more durable than any Kenneth Cole or similar name-brand, DSW-available dress shoes. They’re not Allen Edmonds, but at half to 1/3 the price I find them a good value and extremely comfortable. Far better than any shoe I’ve

I suppose that depends on your basis for comparison. They are far better constructed and more durable than any

Sneak King FTW

Yes! Holocost jokes and a good pastrami on rye are the two primary benefits. Any other questions? I’m here all day.

See also: Every member of the Secret Service from now through 2020.

Man, Vladimir Putin and Liza Minelli were so hot back in the day!

I love Pandoras radio algorithm for music discovery and would consider upgrading to a paid service. But will the streaming quality improve? Not sure what the current bitrate is, but it’s noticeably muddier than Amazon music. That’s the main thing holding me back.

Feedly is great when its iOS app is not crashing. Which is to say, Feedly is rarely great.

My response was in the “other” category and read: “Yes, I’m not sure that I don’t not believe that.”

Agreed and yet. Here we are with Trump. What happened? Still Utterly bewildered that this is the world we live in now

Stupid sexy Flanders.

It registers as a controller, not a keyboard/mouse emulated input device. So no. I really like using my harmony as an htpc controller. That and my Logitech k400 have all my couch surfing needs addressed.

It registers as a controller, not a keyboard/mouse emulated input device. So no. I really like using my harmony as

Can anybody comment as to whether or not any of these are decent cold-weather options? I’m not talking about jogging on a winter evening. I’m talking about subzero Chicago winters. These all appear to be fairly light with a few exceptions, and even those don’t appear to be too hearty. I’d love to get some opinions

Can anybody comment as to whether or not any of these are decent cold-weather options? I’m not talking about jogging

I've been very happy with Dashlane.

Dude, that one had me in a full on anxiety attack. JUST GIVE THE GUY HIS FUCKING ICECREAM ALREADY!!! Time to go hit the Zanex...

Holy shit, Munchkins were real?!

Understood. I actually broke out the Nespresso machine with a bit of shame. But screw it. It's actually good. I do, however, find most drip coffee to be pretty mediocre. That doesn't mean that i don't drink it. It's the easiest way to make a large volume and most people are fine with it. But you need to use fresh

There is! I have a discrete little hand cranked burr grinder. Search for "Hario MSS-1B Mini Mill Slim Coffee Grinder." It's about $30 and allows me to grind fresh beans in the office for my aeropress without dropping another $200 on a good burr grinder.