
First heads hot: 1988, Golgo 13 Top Secret Episode, NES. The sniper scene, shooting the guy in the tower. It was one of those "ah-ha" moments we so rarely see in games these days.

@Steven Callas: At this point I imagine that she would be passing into cougar territory.

@YosefLevi: " Goodall has found monkeys that shave." You should have ended it there for maximum awesome.

@Lanhoj: If you destroy or inhibit the used game market, you inhibit people's ability to buy new games and willingness to take a risk on an unknown title. I never would have bought Metro 2033 if I didn't know I could sell it if it sucked. I buy roughly 18-20 new games per year. I do so knowing that I can recoup

I have to disagree with equating used game sales with piracy or the idea that it is a lost sale to the publisher. No, the publisher receives no money in both cases, but that is where the similarity stops. You need to consider the ramifications on supply and demand, and the ability of the new game buyer to buy new

@Jestermeister: She's clearly just doing the robot. Sick bastard.

I've never before thought of Link as fodder for the old fap fap cannon, but dear god. Of course, I am speaking of #10.

@Fredy04: I've received such a curse from Comcast resulting from said torrents. Be ye warned.

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: Whereas Les makes me think, "Wouldn't it be cool to go backpacking with that guy?" and eat another donut.

@holy holes batman: Most of which would get you killed in an actual survival situation. I'm no pro, but I've had my share of training. Bear is a reckless showboat. A showboat, I say!

@sgtzim: You know, I completely forgot about the piss-poor makeup. There are so many reasons to hate that movie, that you tend to lose track. But I remember watching those scenes and thinking, "What, they didn't have budget for a decent makeup artist." Properly not, given all of the film they had to pay for. But

@Dragonfang18: Thank you for summing up my high school years. I think I'll go cry now. Jerk.

@OctaneHugo: Airliner Pilot of DOOM: I respectfully disagree. You can watch the cut version. Much shorter. Still bad. Somehow worse, because the once-coherent-but-still-bad storyline becomes incoherent and bad. I have a great affinity for the themes of the films as my grandfathers grew up in the Jewish slums of NY and

Regarding Once Upon a Time in America: I strongly urge anybody reading this post to go out and pick up this movie. Upon receiving this 4.5 hour cinematic masturbation session, be sure to smash this pretentious excuse for a film into pieces. Then burn the pieces and bury them. Dig up the remains, piss on them, and bury

@blackcat12: Well, you don't want her talking about it, do you?

@moonshadowkati: Hooray! My years in the Marijuana Club for Suburban White Kids have not gone to waste! Seriously, hearts from some of my favorite commentators. Thanks!

@Buzz Mega: Kind of pointless. I mean, you motivate them by the desire for snack brains, but you also make it difficult for them to get off the zombie couch (zombie Gilligan's Island is on) . So the whole thing pretty much cancels itself out.

"Dude. Dude, Dude. I know. Just listen, OK. Just listen, OK? Ok? OK? So listen. OK. So, like, instead of. Dude. Dude, are you listening? So instead of, like, and alarm or anything, you know what we should do? You know what we should do? Dude. Bears. We should totally train some bears to watch the weed. Dude, I know.