You sound like an absolute fucking creep
You sound like an absolute fucking creep
I was thinking of linking to this in the article and then I forgot. Thank you for correcting my terrible oversight.
In a stunning turn of events, Baby Boomer White Man makes it all about him.
This caused me to have a Twitter meltdown yesterday. It is now confirmed verbally: conservatives believe that victims of gun violence are necessary collateral damage to their "right" to own personal firearms.
How cruel and inappropriate. What a shitstain. This is exactly why folks don't like gun nuts.
Well, I am Alan Rickman and I am dancing right yes.
Also, no Seth MacFarlane, you are nothing like Paul Rudd. And you should never be allowed to even utter that lovely man's name.
"One looks extremely ponderous and cool by putting Postal Service lyrics as their AIM away message"
He is so cute! I'm still kind of shattered by the fate that befell him on Boardwalk Empire, which I won't spoil even though that show is the pits and non-watchers are missing nothing. At this point, it's like I'm eating a crappy dinner in a restaurant: I've come this far, I'll just choke down the rest of it.
Ohh. I think sea lions may have solved the men taking up too much space on the subway problem.
I'm not saying that I personally hold Seth Rogan or Judd Apatow responsible for that kid shooting up a bunch of bystanders in Santa Barbara or anything, but am I the only one who finds the whole reaction on their behalf kind of irritating? I think there were some (some!) valid claims about men feeling entitled to…
He'd probably have better luck if he stopped referring to women as "hoes"...
Chester [snicker] Hanks has the stupidest, least self-aware persona possible, for a whiter-than-white rich boy. Did he come up with that name in middle school? Like, bitch, stfu and go finish college and do something better with your time than sound like a moron on Twitter. How did Tom Hanks, who always seems like a…
Who the hell is Joe Budden?
Can't a girl want to grow up to be an engineer and want to wear a tiara as well?
Disappearance of a large number of aboriginal women makes me wonder why the sane world hasn't declared jihad on Canada.
I'm so sorry you married someone who plays golf. My deepest sympathies, I pray he doesn't watch it on television as well as waste hundreds of dollars on pleated khaki pants.
Except no one would run with that myth. Basically, whenever a woman achieves success in a male dominated field, especially in something as subjective as the arts, people fall all over themselves to attribute it to some man she fucked, is fucking, is suspected of fucking, or may fuck in the future. It happens over and…
The myth that Courtney Love can't write her own songs is misogynist. The person keeps blindly parroting it might be either a misogynist, or simply ignorant of both the truth and the implications.