
And this is why people have a problem with cultural appropriation. It's all fun and games when it's a white girl in ugly cut-offs and a crochet vest wearing feathers and/or a headdress while high off Salvia and listening to shitty hipster music, but when an actual Native American person wants to wear feathers out of a

You're missing the point. Cultural appropriation has turned Native American vestments into fashion, which is then not allowed.

THIS is why cultural appropriation is so awful. The same things that are belittled on the bodies of POC, to whom these items belong, are celebrated on the bodies of white people. I know this particular case isn't a perfect example of it, but this is the kind of thing that we see so often. White women wearing bindis

He probably read the story on FOX News' website.

I will never understand why people post "Who is_____?" Rather than just fucking googling or why people think "I am not aware of this person" = "This person is not really famous or talented".

Ciara's been out of the public eye for a while but she's hardly a Z lister and neither is he.

I have been waiting for quite a while to bust this one out but:

"An anonymous dude is very upset that, after he maneuvered his "big girl" girlfriend into an open relationship so he could score with mad babes, she's getting loads more dates than him."

Really? You're slut shaming the waitresses because of where they work? They put up with enough shit from their customers and the company without anyone else adding to it.

POINTING your honour!!!111!1!1!!

Agreed. And yes, Taystee and Pouseey #TrueDetectiveSeason2


Actually, Dr. Phil, unless you're a trained fire fighter, when the house is on fire you should GTFO.

That's a very helpful list of "tips"! No one has ever thought of those before! Convenient that you're ignoring all the things that discourage people from doing them. I'm not saying putting a list on a bathroom door is the answer, but simply telling people who have been assaulted to do x, y, and z without addressing

And this is what it sounds like when Dolly shows you her boobs.

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"

Dolly, you are now, as ever, my idol.

Judging from all the defensive and whiny-ass responses, I'd say not all men realize how funny this is.

This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen

It's amazing how many people only give a shit about injustices against women in less-developed countries when injustices against women in the countries they live in are being discussed.