Just a warning for my fellow Jezzies who are also Gawkerites: The comments on the Gawker version of this article are infinitely depressing.
Just a warning for my fellow Jezzies who are also Gawkerites: The comments on the Gawker version of this article are infinitely depressing.
She is a realistic example of extreme weight loss. Would it be better to only show people that can turn into a tight size 6?
She lost a 170 lbs. Who cares if she has loose skin? The kind of dedication it takes to lose that much weight makes it a greater accomplishment than most people will ever experience. In short, you can take your judgmental attitude and fuck right off.
Even though it's not really a popular opinion, I love Cersei. She is so complex and fascinating. She personifies the bitterness and rage that come from being relegated to the sidelines and left powerless (save an ability to manipulate men) by virtue of simply being a woman. And I also love her blind devotion to her…
"She may be a terrible person but the world made her that way."
this episode once again had changes from the book and close encounters with unnecessary rape, so i found it problematic. but at this point i'm just going to acknowledge the books and the tv show as two separate entities, i.e book cersei is definitely not the same as tv show cersei. le sigh. moving on.
GRRR I hate the background rapes at Craster's Keep. I wonder how they're written into the script:
I loved Cersei in this episode. The show has made her more sympathetic, hell, even poignant, than in the books and I dig it. It's added more complexity to her character. She'll play nice with Margeary because it helps keep her child safe. And don't even go there with the, "every where in the world they hurt little…
There is that weird disconnect where a man waking up at 5 am to milk 50 cows is called "work", but a woman waking up at 5 am to milk 50 cows is called "chores".
Today, 66% of the best tech Twitter feeds, tomorrow the WORLD!
My personal fave:
What I always hated was that I grew up as the daughter of a divorced woman who had the sole responsibility for raising the three of us. She once got passed up for a promotion because—in the words of the hiring manager at the time, "Well, [this man] has a family to feed."
In fact, most married women worked and earned money (be it farming, taking home piecework, or working in factories) right up until the 1950s, when the economic boom and increase in wages allowed one-income households to thrive.
Women have always been the "bread earners" in as much as growing, reaping, an processing grain is a female task in almost every society. One thing I remember from my fabulous "feminism 101" professor is that in hunter gatherer cultures, the majority of calories consumed by a family are procured by women. The men are…
This is an actual clip of the end of Clayton Morris's segment:
File this under: "Being a Woman - whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong."
I love Bob Dylan, but can we all agree that "Just Like a Woman" is a creepy love song and an even creepier euology song?
I actually got excited and clicked that Buzzfeed link thinking I was going to get some Nebuchadnezzar, only to have my hopes crushed. Darn you, Burtbecca! (And darn me for being both a history junkie and a sucker!)
Don't worry. Kim took him out for ice cream afterward.