Now playing

The only snow we got this year was one day of very wet snow. Yay for living in a temperate rain forest. My dogs love snow so much, but we never get it. My phone was dying so I didn't have enough time to capture them racing around the back yard like goofs after this, but you can tell Q (the wolfdog, light coloured one)

That's a heroine junkie right there.

You and me both! Wow. Nintendo just blew my mind this morning, so much greatness.

Way to go, Mr. Tortilla!

I need the Venus set!

Chase No Face is such a lovely kitty.

I enjoy the random comments on the street, or during my commute. I get at least one guy a day flashing me a thumbs up or going for a highfive cause of my hoodies. I've met a few friends that way too. I used to be super introverted, but I just stopped giving a fuck one day. I'm not sure how it happened, but I like it.

Mike and Jerry are Penny Arcade. If you can't handle the fact that sometimes, a human being will think or say a stupid thing... I think maybe you shouldn't live on this planet.

You sound like my mom. Rock on, lady. :)

Oh, those fake gamer girls. They're totally all over the place, making everyone's lives terrible. Why can't girls just admit that they don't play games?

Was that particular homophobic slur really necessary?

I listen to Star Talk Radio with Neil de Grasse Tyson while I'm getting ready for my commute in the mornings, it's funny and informative. I like to listen to TEDTalks during my commute because the ferry wifi doesn't allow for video streaming, and mobile data plans are incredibly expensive in Canada.

Or if you happen to have been born with a vagina and like games.

I guess I'm a 'swagger.' 90% of my shirts are gaming-themed print tees, and I usually wear one of my N7 hoodies or my Zelda one. I have a Zelda wallet, a Chewbacca purse, and I put some LotR stickers on my laptop. I'm a monster!

The last half hour of Mass Effect 3 has reduced me to tears three times, the first time it was full on sobbing. Most of that game, actually. I've never cried more playing anything in my life.

Maybe you should scroll down a bit and read more? Your arguments are ones I made myself. The trope is called a Male Power Fantasy. Should I label it something else because that offends you?

I'm an artist. I draw shit that's interesting to me, too. I grew up copying out of comic books and trading cards. I loved the artstyle of Dragonball and spent most of my middle school years drawing Vegeta in various situations. My tastes were formed by what content was available to me, and it wasn't until I was in my

I'm married to the man I've been with since we were 16. Your assumption is dead wrong. If you're basing my entire gender's sexual preferences on "Playgirl" you really have no idea what you're talking about. Are you single? And what decade are you from where you think Playgirl is still relevant?

Again, like the other guy you're preaching to the choir. Sexism and rigid gender stereotypes hurt all of us equally.

I don't read Jezebel. Chris Hemsworth is a good looking man, many people want to fuck him. I'm failing to see your point.