
It's Hitman. I don't know how that wasn't instantly recognizable to you. I've never even played the games before and I knew that.

I want to high-five that guy so hard he flies into another dimension.

Commander Shepard.

Me too. The journey was unforgettable, and I will always remember the series fondly. Best series I've ever played, hands down. It completely eclipsed the JRPGs I grew up with on NES and SNES.

The Dark Energy was a force that was going to consume everything. According to Karpyshyn, "The Reapers as a whole were 'nations' of people who had fused together in the most horrific way possible to help find a way to stop the spread of the Dark Energy. The real reason for the Human Reaper was supposed to be the

Yeah, but it would have suffered from the same backlash that this one did. Honestly, any way that game ended wouldn't have gone well. People didn't want it to end.

Karpyshyn's version of the ending was no better, and people who argue otherwise obviously haven't read the thing.

It's a great game, I play it with my mom all the time.

Not really. The Indoctrination Theory makes less sense than this dude who posits that Shepard is dead from 2 onward, as are all of the people you meet.

I stopped arguing with them a long time ago. They will continue to view their own twisted version of things as canon. It's not worth it because they don't want to be convinced of anything, they want to scream at BioWare and have only like-minded people support their crazy opinions.

That's odd. My original save file from 07 was lost for years, but I found it recently on my old Xbox. It transferred into 2 just fine.

As in a dinosaur who will WRECK YOU!

Now playing

I just watched a video of it... there are no words. You monsters!

It always confused me, too. From the first game, I was an adept or vanguard. Why play an RPG if you can't be magical? To be fair, though, my Renegade was an infiltrator.

I played as an adept, personally. And on insanity. Biotic explosions were the way to go for me. Always had Garrus and Liara with me, too. I can see what you mean though, I will definitely have to try the engineer.

No sir. It was published by LucasArts, not BioWare. LucasArts rushed it out the door before it was ready. If you've played it recently, you can get the ending that was supposed to be in it on the PC version now.

Off-topic posts, the specific tag for them being OFF-TOPIC has been around for years. So get over yourself.

Oh, fuck off. This is the off-topic post.

Knights of the Old Republic 2 was developed by Obsidian, not BioWare.

Steve Cortez in Mass Effect 3: perfectly handled gay character. Normal, solid, dependable dude who lost his husband. He's not fabulous, he's just a dude who's grieving.