
I played it on PC. It never crashed, and my saves were never corrupted.

I played it on PC. It never crashed, and my saves were never corrupted.

I had Clemetine kill me, it was what I had taught her. I was already dead, and she'd have had to shoot walker me at some point anyway. She'll be okay, she's smart and strong.

I don't ask asinine questions about my looks of my husband, but maybe that's just me.

That's a really good analogy.

But I don't want to play Assassin's Creed on my phone. That's a terrible idea. It's uncomfortable and unpleasant to play mobile games. They're good for, as Muramasa Edge said, a distraction. You play them on and off for a few minutes at a time. You do not sit down for 4 hours at a time to play a game on your phone.

I have zero desire, as a "mainstream console gamer," to use a tablet or phone for gaming. If consoles go away, then I'll just hook my PC up to my TV. The vast majority of mobile gaming is a complete and utter joke.

I'm not sure if your reply was meant for me, cause I wasn't really talking about the Wii U or whether it's a good console or not. Personally, I won't be buying one because I never used my Wii and I'd rather not waste money again. That's not to say it's a bad console, it's just not for me. I don't play games with

I dunno, the current console generation has lasted a lot longer than any before it. It was generally 5 years between generations previously, we're almost at 8 now.

This... is actually kind of cool, and I'm going to be keeping my eye on its progress.

It's always confused me too, especially single-player games. Just pause and go fuck, the game will still be there.

Not be an asshole? Don't automatically dismiss, blame, or belittle one of the most traumatizing experiences a person can go through?

I'm so sorry to hear that, what a dick. I was raped when I was 16, I was dating my husband back then. He was nothing but supportive, he was shocked and angry, but the thought of blaming or dismissing me never even crossed his mind. You can see why we're married now.

Really? Nearly every relationship is founded on lies? I find that incredibly hard to believe. But it does say a lot about you as a person.

I've had a lot of dogs in my life, and I've lost a lot of shit to puppy chewing and general misbehaviour. I have never lost a game console, though. That just boggles the mind.

It looks like she's peeing herself when he pans to her thighs. Not cool.

Here's the difference between the US and elsewhere in the world: Yesterday an elementary class was stabbed by a deranged man in China. They lived.

Astigmatism runs in my family and my vision has been deteriorating since I was 10. I imagine the screens I use for long periods of time probably aren't helping, but I don't think they're really doing any more damage than sunlight and every day life.

Actually, most women have or will at some point in their lives be the victims of sexual assault. It's very pervasive and common, and the automatic reaction is shame and self-loathing. It's why most rapes go unreported.

Oh god, the entire Broodmother level was nightmare fuel. One of the scariest and greatest gaming moments of my life.