
Camille is a unisex name. Other unisex names are Drew, Andy, Kelly, Bobbi, Alex, Cameron, Jaime, Cassidy, Bailey, Skylar, Reese, Shane, Hayden, Casey, Morgan, Lane, Blair, and many more.

I'm thinking a screen that shows what the cameras are seeing.

My husband and I only ever play the SP campaign in Halo, and occasionally co-op. Never been a fan of online FPS multiplayer.

I need this so bad.

I really recommend it. You can also add yoghurt (or almond milk if you're lactose intolerant) to get calcium into your smoothies too. I have one for breakfast every day with omega 3 supplements and my multivitamin.

Here's her website.

She has a website.

She's gorgeous. Were you tempted to pet her? I totally would be.

I'm a white woman who finds Asian men incredibly attractive. We do exist, I promise!

Do you like fruit? You can sneak veggies into smoothies to get your daily servings. It's how I get my husband to get veggies into his diet. He doesn't like the texture of most fruits and vegetables, they make him want to throw up. But he can drink a smoothie, so I pack em full of everything he needs to stay healthy.

The thing that gets me about them is that whole 'all pets are wrong' schtick. Look, PETA, wolves chose to live with humans thousands of years ago. That's how we got dogs. Cats chose to live with humans. Some animals actively seek out human interaction and companionship.

As an animal rights activist myself, I cannot stand PETA. They are little more than a money-grubbing domestic terrorist organization. PETA kills just as many animals as the people they rail against, it's a sick fantasy world these people live in.

The one that I bought in high school is in my stepdad's mancave as his DVD player. The one my husband had from high school had a modchip, it still works fine but it's in a box right now.

Holy crap, that Hayabusa is legit as fuck. Amazing cosplay. Absolutely amazing.

He's also Canadian. I'm not too terribly fond of Bieber's music career, but he does do our country proud in his conduct with his fans. He takes his job seriously, and he manages to keep his cool when the entire world's teenaged girls are practically clawing their own eyes out to get a glimpse of him.

I live in BC, it's rare to be convicted or even harassed by cops for having small amounts on you. I see just as many people walking down the street smoking joints as I do people smoking cigarettes. It's the grow-ops and big dealers they go after, here.

A urine test isn't going to prove jacksquat, except that the person had cannabis in their system sometime in the last 30 to 90 days.

A friend of ours has severe ADD, he's also a plumber so he was having a hard time making the two work together. He'd been on every pharmaceutical under the sun since he was a child, and they were only making him sick. He got his medical license, and now has the special strains that he uses. He has never needed another

You know what they say about assuming...