
Andy Samberg was pretty much the only reason my husband and I watched the show, he was funny.

I'd also add Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2. The first is epic as all hell, the second has a really interesting story. Lots of armor swapping and micro-management.

My mom had the same issue. She was playing on hard instead of casual, and she couldn't figure out why she was sucking so bad at this game. I knocked it down to casual for her when I was visiting, and now she's progressing through the game at a nice clip. She had cleared several tombs and finished Whiterun on hard, I

Why you gotta do that to me? That's the stuff of nightmares, man.

He's like 120 or something like that.

I'm totally looking forward to it. These movies are cheesy, and I don't have any expectations for them other than seeing Milla Jovovich kick major ass. So I never leave disappointed.

I always thought her followers were funny, she was a giant hypocrite who decried socialism an promoted selfishness, and then got herself on social security and medicare when she was old.

Personally, I liked em all. I don't go in with any expectations other than my biggest ladycrush kicking ass all over the screen. I never leave disappointed.

I learned to swim with one hand because I couldn't deal with the feeling of water in my nose. Now I'm really glad for my strange personality quirk.

Now playing

The world gives me a decidedly ergo proxy feel. Digging it.

Yes, it was planned from the start. No idea when it'll come out, but I'm looking forward to taking back Omega from Cerberus.

I would do unspeakable things to own this, especially if it was some kind of limited edition only available in Japan because Nintendo likes to crush my goddamn dreams.

That picture isn't a laptop, it's a Mac, a desktop computer. I used these in junior high, they were high-tech back then. I hated them, I grew up on Windows and my mom was a total tech junkie, so these slow ass beasts in my computer lab with the horribly ugly Mac OS of the day really annoyed the hell out of me. I kept

It's really interesting. I also use it for Your Shape: Fitness Evolved which is a great way to stay in shape in the privacy of your own home.

No worries, I generally assume that's what the deal is. Now you know. ;)

Intents and purposes.

+1 to this.

A cesspool is a cesspool, close enough.

I always assumed it was a re-hash of the Erlking. The wiki page I read about the 'slenderman' claimed it was Germanic, and that's what sprung to mind.

I didn't realize how old I'd gotten until dubstep became the new 'thing' and I caught myself saying things like, "Kids these days wouldn't know real music if it punched them in the face."