
I actually really like that. The detail is pretty awesome. I dunno about the movie itself, but I don't mind Andrew Garfield. I'm willing to give it a chance, it can't be any worse than Spiderman 3.

Democracy means you do have a choice. You can choose to vote for someone else, and the American colonists didn't even get that. It's a basic freedom.

That's a really biased view of it. And I say that as a Canadian who is proud to be part of the British commonwealth, and isn't very fond of most things American.

Wow, the comments have really surprised me. I think the game looks fabulous, I'm greatly looking forward to it.

Ubisoft Montreal has some of the best talent in the industry, they just keep pumping out games that blow me right the hell away.

That boss they showcased near the end of the "New Operation" segment looked frickin awesome. I love the raiding in this game, they add puzzles and different things to do. Really looking forward to these updates.

I don't even want this, I need it.

Awesome trailer! I'm really looking forward to this game, I wasn't totally sold before but the more I see of it, the more I want to play it.

That was a really cool trailer, I want this to be a movie. Also looking forward immensely to this game, I can't even begin to count the hours I spent in MechAssault on XboxLIVE a decade ago, so much damn fun.

Glad to see they're staying together. Amalur was pretty good.

What's a compagny? Is that like cham-pag-na?

Oh wow, one of my absolute favourite times in history. Looking forward to this!

That's pretty hilarious.

I'm playing SW:TOR and Mass Effect 3 this weekend. I'm in Toronto visiting my mom, and she requested I play through the ME3 story for her so she can watch it. She'll be going in for some minor surgery on Tuesday, so I imagine the following week or two of recovery will have me playing a lot of games she wanted to see,

Yeah, China's justice system is totally fucked up. We joke about North America's being a crapshoot, but China is so far beyond our failings.

I was sold on this game when he grabbed the payphone receiver to beat a dude. Do want.

Co-op multiplayer at that, you don't shoot other players.

That is so effing cool.

Now playing

I'm just going to leave this here, it's topical and should be shared.