
Because geography is hard, and provinces are mystical places to most Americans.

You have some serious anger issues, and a deep-rooted hatred of women. I would suggest finding someone to talk to about your feelings, a professional preferably. You could use some help.

Going to be attempting to get my operative to level 50. ME3 came out and I spent 2 weeks with that, my guild misses me.

Except Gabe and Tycho don't run the charity, and would prefer to have it completely divorced from the Penny Arcade label now. They may have helped start it a decade ago, but it is not their charity, and they've said as much many times.

I like survival horror games, I really do. I even like zombie games. But Resident Evil has been firmly in "meh" territory for nearly a decade for me. I can't get excited about it because it bores me. I think I'm just burned out on the franchise. Happened with Final Fantasy, as well. After X-2, I couldn't bring myself

You have almost certainly heard of "Retake Mass Effect" by now. One of many grassroots efforts to get a new ending to Mass Effect 3, it’s part community, part online petition, and part (here is where things get complicated) Child’s Play Donation Drive. They have stopped taking donations now partly because they

No, I'm with him. Fanboys are everything that's wrong with this society right now. The entitlement and sheer stupidity exhibited by fanboys doesn't help anyone, and they tend to hurt the things they profess to love so much.

Now playing

Also, this particular track really caught my attention in 3. Not surprising though, I love Sam Hulick's work.

Ah yes, I love this track as well. It always makes me feel hopeful, like I can accomplish anything if I set my mind to it, and it'll all work out in the end.

I think the ending of Overlord was the first time I actually cried during my Mass Effect saga. I have an autistic cousin, and everything about that particular piece of DLC just totally destroyed me. In a good way, though! Powerful writing, powerful music.

That entire scene made me want to immediately play my Renegade who's been faithful to Liara since the beginning. She was a joke character in the beginning, I just wanted to see what being an asshole would get me, and hey blueberry lesbian sex... but I found I got attached to her over the years in a way I didn't

They really knocked it out of the park with the music and sound design throughout the whole series.

The credits song for ME3 was also done by The Faunts. I was super happy to see it, too. I don't know why they didn't just use this song for all three games, it works for all of them and it's what I associate with Mass Effect.

I loved the club music too! Afterlife was pretty great, but Purgatory actually made me want to dance.

I loved everything about Project Overlord, definitely one of my favourite missions in Mass Effect. That music is so epic.

All three soundtracks are on my iPod and part of my daily playlist. Perfect for gaming, reading, doing the dishes, walking.. anything, really. Hearing a song reminds me of parts of my Commander Shepard's journey, and it always brings a smile to my face. Sometimes a tear to my eye.

I need my husband to do this cosplay. He would be so perfect for it.

I was happy with how it ended. Contrary to what the very upset subset say, there were a lot of people who were fine with the ending. People who are massive fans of the series. It's not a universal thing.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Oh my god. I can't even... Petulant children, seriously.

No, I was paying attention. There was no reason for him to do any of that. Sovereign's plan was to use the Citadel relay to begin the Reaper invasion. If it had the top Spectre as its puppet who had unlimited access to the Citadel, why did it need to go to Ilos? It didn't.